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Topic: Your worst fears, ahhh!< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
SoimSandheaver Offline

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Posted: Jan. 30 2007, 13:23

Quote (Ray @ Jan. 29 2007, 14:09)
Agreed wasps are not so nice - and can sting many times - so study them and learn.  Know your enemy.

I learned a lot about wasps, mainly because I took a huge fascination into the world of creepy crawlies, like most young kids do, when I was at primary school. I learned loads about the mantis, grasshoppers, fleas, bees and wasps and the like.

However, I can't become a buzzing noise as a way of overcoming my fears as you suggested. It is the buzzing is what I have a main fear of. It's just purely psychological, and it has frightened me for longer than I can remember. Just one noise of an insect's buzzing noise, and I flinch. Anyway, that's about it from me for just now.

Oh yeah, I have a huge fear of Coursework now, thanks to School, mainly because it puts me through one of the things I hate more than anything in the world - serious pressure.

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Ray Offline

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Posted: Jan. 30 2007, 13:26

Quote (Inkanta @ Jan. 30 2007, 01:45)
I found getting stung to be a very painful experience, even when it was only one bee. I have a high pain threshold--very seldom take anything for a headache or anything else. I often workout in knee pain (but it's worse if I don't work out at all). I'm not *that* afraid of bees, but every time I get stung I seem to have more of a reaction, so I should probably have a bee sting kit on hand.

Sounds like you may be alergic - but that's different.  A small boy from a nearby village in scotland (5) died the first time he got stung - That's BAD.  If you are allergicx you are allowed to be scared of Bees - but it is that your bees are different from our bees.  Scottish bees like making honey and dont sting you very often.  Atleast the beek keper says he gets used to be(e)ing stung.   :cool:

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Ray Offline

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Posted: Jan. 30 2007, 13:31

Quote (TubularBelle @ Jan. 30 2007, 03:43)
I am afraid of

being caught locked out of the house naked.

OK - there has just got to be  story behind that one - and i really hope there were no wasps about   :D   :D

Ray  :cool:

Looking out over the harbour in Peel.......
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Starwatcher Offline

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Posted: Feb. 02 2007, 16:11

Matt Posted on Jan. 29 2007, 08:03
Wasps for me too. Completely irrational and I get annoyed with myself for letting a small stupid creature whose sting doesn't even hurt much get to me the way they do. Hate them and would be quite happy to see them extinct regardless of the consequenses for the food chain.

jonnyw Posted on Jan. 29 2007, 16:32
I'm surprised at the amunts of people afraid of wasps, thats quite interesting!

I'm surprised, too but I'm also very glad about it because I'm not the only one.... ;)
Indeed I exactly feel about it like Matt described it...

But another great fear of mine is going to doctors in general. Strangely the dentist is the one I fear least of all. Probably the reason for that is that I'm less afraid of the pain than of the diagnosis. It's that irrational fear to go there with a cold and they tell you that you only have one more month to live... :/
Ok, I exaggerated a bit but do you know what I mean?

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jonnyw Offline

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Posted: Feb. 02 2007, 19:55

Ok, I exaggerated a bit but do you know what I mean?

Yep, i can definateley see your point!

I must say, I flinch as much as the next person when a wasp comes near, but im not deadly afraid of em ;)

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Inkanta Offline

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Posted: Feb. 04 2007, 21:47

I thought I was doing so well with snakes. Until yesterday. Ya see, I respect snakes and would never harm one intentionally, but I don't do well when I see one, unplanned. I've gone into hysterics when I've accidentally killed them while mowing the lawn (in part because I've just caused the death of a sentient being). I was nearly bitten by a rattler when I was 12, but I've really tried hard to come to terms with the beasties. I slept under a green boa at the zoo (she was in a tank) a few years ago and holding our now departed iguana helped. Or so I thought. Yesterday, the Dept. of Conservation brought some poisonous snakes along to the health fair (heh-no bees or wasps, though).  I was peering intently at the Timber Rattlesnake, studying its markings. When I stood up, I hadn't realised that one of the officers had a huge snake around her neck (a non-poisonous bull snake--beautiful with its yellow and black markings)--and its head was inches from my shoulder. I accidentally gasped before I composed myself.  :/

"No such thing as destiny; only choices exist." From:  Moongarden's "Solaris."
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TubularBelle Offline

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Posted: Feb. 05 2007, 17:14

Quote (Ray @ Jan. 30 2007, 04:31)
Quote (TubularBelle @ Jan. 30 2007, 03:43)
I am afraid of

being caught locked out of the house naked.

OK - there has just got to be  story behind that one - and i really hope there were no wasps about   :D   :D

Ray  :cool:

No, sorry, just my sense of humour. I did run down to the jetty and back naked once with my boyfriend when we were staying at a river shack on holiday, and were quite drunk I might add, but I have never been locked out of the house naked. It is a real fear though!

I hate getting up early. I didn't even realise there were two 6 o'clocks in one day!
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glasgow_tubular Offline

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Posted: Feb. 06 2007, 07:31

Im terrified of almond oil and things that go in your ears  :/

Long story involving accident and emergency......

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jonnyw Offline

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Posted: Feb. 08 2007, 09:35

Im terrified of almond oil and things that go in your ears  

Long story involving accident and emergency......


Now im Intruigued!!!!


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Starwatcher Offline

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Posted: Feb. 10 2007, 12:28

Hi jonnyw,

didn't you say that on the 8th of feb you had to go to the dentist? So, how did you manage the situation?

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jonnyw Offline

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Posted: Feb. 10 2007, 18:23

haha it was great, i got a new job, and part of the training was full time work the whole week, so my mum and brother went, and cancelled my appointment, and left it up to me to book it!

(so its not going to happen for a while ;))

But yes, ill probably get one soon, as i might as well get another free one before i hit 18.

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olracUK Offline

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Posted: Feb. 10 2007, 20:54

Hey Johnny - new job? that's great! I took all my kids (from 2 1/2 upto 12 ) to the dentists and no problems - the trick is to start them young and they have no fear.

But - just for you - BUZZZZZ... DRILLLLL>>>> OUCHHHHH!!!!!!


And , not many dentists will allow what Moonchildhippy did and allow you to play some soothing Ommadawn....

Personally my own fears are

1) foam - the sort inside cushions etc - just makes my skin creep

2) ex-wife, 'nuff said

3) divorced 40-somethings on MySpace  -why don't they leave me alone?

The answer is 42 - but what is the question?
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Iksion Offline

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Posted: Feb. 11 2007, 04:49

Quote (olracUK @ Feb. 10 2007, 20:54)
2) ex-wife, 'nuff said

Hhahahaha! :D:D

I just remembered thet i hate wasp because when i was little one of them bite me on my neck :( and i coudn swolow and thet stuf...

wait,wasp is litle yelow black thingy thet fly right?? (My english is bed so.. ;)

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jonnyw Offline

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Posted: Feb. 11 2007, 09:15

,wasp is litle yelow black thingy thet fly right??

Yep youre basically right!

Hey Johnny - new job? that's great! I took all my kids (from 2 1/2 upto 12 ) to the dentists and no problems - the trick is to start them young and they have no fear.

But - just for you - BUZZZZZ... DRILLLLL>>>> OUCHHHHH!!!!!!


yep, just a new part time one to pay for car insurance (ouch)

3) divorced 40-somethings on MySpace  -why don't they leave me alone?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! i have a freind with the same problem!!

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Starwatcher Offline

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Posted: Feb. 11 2007, 15:39

jonnyw Posted on Feb. 10 2007, 18:23
haha it was great, i got a new job, and part of the training was full time work the whole week, so my mum and brother went, and cancelled my appointment, and left it up to me to book it!

(so its not going to happen for a while )


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moonchildhippy Offline

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Posted: Feb. 11 2007, 18:09

Quote (olracUK @ Feb. 11 2007, 01:54)
Hey Johnny - new job? that's great! I took all my kids (from 2 1/2 upto 12 ) to the dentists and no problems - the trick is to start them young and they have no fear.

But - just for you - BUZZZZZ... DRILLLLL>>>> OUCHHHHH!!!!!!


And , not many dentists will allow what Moonchildhippy did and allow you to play some soothing Ommadawn....

Personally my own fears are

1) foam - the sort inside cushions etc - just makes my skin creep

2) ex-wife, 'nuff said

3) divorced 40-somethings on MySpace  -why don't they leave me alone?

It was actually Incantations I played, as it was longer than Ommadawn, forgot to press  repeat, so I had to find an opportunity to restart it, played 1 1/2 times.

1. Foam in cushions, how do you sleep at night Andy, as surely pillows have the same foam filling :/ ??

2. The ex wife- yes can understand that, I'm getting a divorce from my husband as we no longer live together, and there's no chance of reconcilliation. His behaviour could often be unreasonable. He did more or less admit that to a friend of mine.

3. I have a similar problem on myspace not with divorced 40 somethings , but with Africans, Morrocans  or Americans seem to read my profile and fall in love with me just by that alone, and give me their life story, how they want to marry me and have kids.   Sorry but I do NOT wish to start having babies now, being a stepmum is  a different kettle of fish. I don't do such long distance relationships, a 50 or so mile radius of my home is far enough. Strange how changing my profile from single to divorced , has vastly reduced that.
Andy I wish I had divorced 40 somethings after me, if they're late 30's -mid 40's long haired hippy men living in 50 miles or so of Bedfordshire send 'em my way :D . But if they're after you and are male they'd be gay and not interested in me.

I'm going slightly mad,
It finally happened, I'm slightly mad , just very slightly mad

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Inkanta Offline

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Posted: Feb. 11 2007, 20:01

Quote (olracUK @ Feb. 10 2007, 19:54)
And , not many dentists will allow what Moonchildhippy did and allow you to play some soothing Ommadawn....

Really? How sadistic of them. During my second-to-the last root canal I was so nervous that the endodontist helped me change the batteries before starting the procedure (pre-iPod days). Inc has carried me through at least two root canals.

Personally my own fears are

2) ex-wife, 'nuff said

Reminds me of the time I was at an astronomical society board meeting. One of the members walked in late, looking like he had seen a ghost. I asked him if everything was all right. His nearly verbatim response:  "I had a horrible fright. I walked into my bedroom when I returned home from school this afternoon and found my ex-wife in my bed."  So....Andy....it could always be worse. :D :D :D They were still friends and she had had a row with her husband du jour.

3) divorced 40-somethings on MySpace  -why don't they leave me alone?

....unless some of them are really 55-year-old men pretending to be 40-something divorced women. :D  I'm reading a book on Second Life, and a study of avatars suggested that over 18% of men had at least one female avatar. I find that interesting because the sociological research disagrees with it (suggests that most pick the stereotypic ideal of their own gender). Then again, the entity behind the screen might not even be human. Yesterday, one of my dogs was on my laptop. Literally. She flat-screened the thing and was doing weird things in my hotmail account while we were at a science fair. Unless it was the cat....

"No such thing as destiny; only choices exist." From:  Moongarden's "Solaris."
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TubularBelle Offline

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Posted: Feb. 11 2007, 20:25

Quote (olracUK @ Feb. 10 2007, 11:54)
3) divorced 40-somethings on MySpace - why don't they leave me alone?

I'm a divorced 40 something on myspace.  :(

Andy, are you still with your lovely wife?, I assume you are talking about an ex ex-wife.

I hate getting up early. I didn't even realise there were two 6 o'clocks in one day!
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Inkanta Offline

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Posted: Feb. 16 2007, 18:36

It has been wicked cold here--walked down the middle of the Wyaconda River on Sunday (a tributary of the Mississippi) with a group of people. The cliffs were high and there was a frozen waterfall--soooo gorgeous. I'm not afraid of falling through ice, but couldn't help thinking of all the snakes probably hibernating deep in the cliffs, waiting to bask in the sun on a July morning. I know I'm not over snakes when I find the snake pamphlets from last week's health fair and shudder, and when upon learning of the title of the new Rush CD,  Snakes and Arrows, I cringe.

Anyway--today I read that one good thing about this cold weather is that there won't be quite as many yellow jackets in the spring. :)

"No such thing as destiny; only choices exist." From:  Moongarden's "Solaris."
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Starwatcher Offline

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Posted: Feb. 19 2007, 15:29

Inkanta Posted on Feb. 16 2007, 18:36
Anyway--today I read that one good thing about this cold weather is that there won't be quite as many yellow jackets in the spring.

You lucky people... This year's winter here in Germany has been too warm until now. So I have to get ready for battle this summer ... :/

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