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Olivier Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 07:32

www.mikeoldfield-tubularbells.com is the official WEA Tubular Bells 2003 web site. Tubular Bells 2003 (48:33):

Part One
1. Introduction 05:51
2. Fast Guitars 01:04
3. Basses 00:46
4. Latin 02:18
5. A Minor Tune 01:21
6. Blues 02:40
7. Thrash 00:44
8. Jazz 00:48
9. Ghost Bells 00:30
10. Russian 00:44
11. Finale 08:36

Part Two
12. Harmonics 05:21
13. Peace 03:22
14. Bagpipe Guitars 03:07
15. Caveman 04:33
16. Ambient Guitars 05:09
17. Hornpipe 01:39

The site includes a sample of 'Introduction', and there is an hidden sample of a dance version. 'The Complete Tubular Bells' will include 'Tubular Bells 2003', 'Tubular Bells II', 'Tubular Bells III', and a Tubular Bells Bonus DVD:
1. Introduction (5.1 Mix) 05:51
2. Fast Guitars (5.1 Mix) 01:04
3. Basses (5.1 Mix) 00:46
4. Introduction 2003 "The Video" (in stereo and 5.1) 03:41

(Thanks, Mige Iranzo)
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Fox Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 08:06

There's also a sound sample of the first track on the website.  And there's an actual *beat* on Mike's famous tune!  It sounds clear, has a consistant tempo, and I think this is going to be g-o-o-o-o-o-d.

I like the cover, too.

I do hope this is the last TB album he does...but for just the sound sample on the site, it has my attention.  Now I'm looking forward to this!  If only to hear how John Cleese does the instruments, and how after all these years Mike does the Piltdown Man.
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dgcaer Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 08:07

The cover is fantastic.
17 piece instead of 2 long.

I can't wait.
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raven4x4x Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 08:20

Ooh! Sound sample! It sounds really good: quite close to the original, but different enough to be a now album. It sounds really clear, extremely well produced, and I love the bass sound. I'm not too sure about the track names, they sound interesting, but really are not the usual track names. They remind me of the Amarok track names, and I wonder if it will still be in two long tracks on the CD, so these are just like the Amarok names. We shall have to see.

The cover is also very good, again similar to the original, but it seems much happier, brighter, and the bell looks very natural. I would still need a bigger image to really know, though. The site too looks very well designed. I know that most of the recent sites are a bit dodgey, but this one really looks great. Well, I hope these are all good signs for the final album. Bring on May 27! Lets hope "Worldwide release" actually is worldwide. I'm getting very excited about May: the sequal to The Matrix (my favourite movie) comes out then, and so does a new Mike album! Wonderful!

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TOBY Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 08:22

Crap titles, very disapointed there - why does he have to bother????????????????? At worst it detracts from the music, I mean whats 'Russian' got to do with anything?????????????The new covers nice if a tad newagey and the complete series boxset will add to everyone's collection, I hope it comes with something to make the extra perchase worthwile considering we all own these albums already, I bet it's got a fairly large pricetag. The extra DVD disc doesn't seem to contain much which I personaly think is a bit of a wasted opertunity.

Interesting bio, for anyone who's interested I am very nearly finished transcribing the chat that went on between Orbital's Phil Hartnol and Mike back in 1996 and will email it very soon to Olivier to put up - its very entertaining if you haven't read it already.

ps Don't like that bass sound. Why use a synth Mike?
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Blue Dolphin Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 09:33

The new cover is beatiful, though you can see it's the original Bell with a new computer texture. But the background is beautiful too!!!

And the sound sample is awesome! With those titles, does it mean you can skip tracks like TB2 and TB3? I think so then.

Only, with the Tubular Bells collection.. *sigh* Again more multiple copies of TB2 and TB3 in my collection :p

Didn't know there was a chat between Mike and Phil... I'm looking forward too it Toby!

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MusicallyInspired Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 09:37

I love everything about this project! The artwork, the separate tracks, the music, EVERYTHING!! :D

Also, I believe that the new album has separate tracks and not just 2 parts because the time that's next to each track is just how long each part is and not the time signature for where it would be found in a long track (ie - Amarok 'tracklisting' ).

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christopher Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 11:41

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

I am SOOOO EXCITED about this!!!!!!!!! :)

This is a truely great effort on WEA's part to produce and market Mike in the way HE SHOULD BE!!!!!!!!!!! :)

The cover is beautiful and quite up-to-date... the sample is impressive and constant in beat... and faster... yay!!!!!!!! :)  I needed new copies of TB2 and TB3 anyway... over the last ten years I've had to buy two or three copies of TB2 and two copies of TB3... I wore them out you know!

It is also interesting to find out WHY Mike didn't just re-record TB in the first place instead of making TB2 and TB3.  Now that that has been said... I do believe this confirms my theory and others on why he just kept making Bell albums to make up for his disappointment with the original and not being able (now we know) to do anything about it!  25 year clause aye... I do believe this has something to do with the 'Evil One' (RB).  


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christopher Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 11:44

Oh yeah and did everyone say this:

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tubularbills Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 12:22

WOOOOO!!!!!! Everything is lookin' good so far. nice artwork, album cover, inlit sleeves. I like having seperate tracks, instead of 2 whole ones. I know i know it takes away from the original compilation, but think of it this way: If MO wanted to re-vamp Tubular Bells, to make it sound better or modern, it would have to encompass the fact that modern music is shorter. Shorter tracks (Although leading into each other) is just a sign of the times, that's all. it doesn't kill the album, it doesn't even necessarily enhance it (although i think it makes it easier to access which parts of the TB you like).

Caveman? thought it was piltdown man.... but oh well.
"Introduction" kind of a little weak name for quite possibly the most well known few notes in musical history. I can't think of any better names, but oh well.

i like the fact that he made the distinction that TMB is NOT a tubular bells album. thank you!!!!!

good biography.

as much as i didn't want to have any music leaked out and on the web until the actual album came out, THAT SAMPLE SOUNDS SO FREAKIN GREAT!!!!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

can you tell i'm excited?!?!?!?!?!?!

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Posted: April 11 2003, 12:30

:(  WHAT IS THIS?????!!!!!

This synth bass sound??? It is horrible, and a B series films sound. A lot of reverb..... I think that Mike is out of his mind from a long time ago...... I was happy with this project because the excerpts of Echoes interview, but now..... Mike... go home.
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timshen Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 13:01

I love the new bass sound (even if it is a synth- so what?) - it sounds groovy! I just hope he maintains the original piano playing -in the intro..I love that. My Intro sample is very short, just up until the start of the bass - is it meant to be that short or is there more?

Love the art work - the TB collection doesn't seem anything special and the DVD is VERY short and dissapointing (but worth it just for the vid).

Can't wait....

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Ludor Tudor Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 13:04

Oh this is looking great!
And the sample is just fantastic. Even thoug I'm at a security-course when it's released - I'll have to make time for it. It's just how it has to be...

"Only" 1 1/2 month to go now!

P.s. If you want to win a TB3 LP-Single: Visit http://oldfield.no

Kjell at oldfield.no
Why don't you have a try to win at the competition?
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Thomas Höögh Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 13:53

Ok, I fill in with the most of you, everything is so fantastic, the site, the sample, the sound and so on and so forth :P

But just a question. Where is the complete 5.1 version of the album? Not a word is said about that one. Just the bonus DVD with three tracks and a video in 5.1 format. There's supposed to be a complete version in 5.1 or am I wrong?

Ps, the complete Tubular Bells!!!!!! WOW a must have item  :D  :cool:  :p  :laugh:

Crazy, terrible, wonderful, perfect!!!!

I just love Tubular Bells |||
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Tati The Sentinel Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 14:23

I simply loved everything...the cover,the worldwide release,the site...THE SAMPLES...boy,it´s fabulous to see that the new TB 2003 got a boost on the song...is happier than the original,more emotion on it...do hope to hear the full album soon!

BTW,anyone knows the full album is going to be on the net soon before the release?

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theweightless Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 15:12

very interesting indeed :cool: sounds very different from the original and is divided to separate tracks..just like i hoped :laugh:

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bugular tell Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 15:24

:) me thinks i will have to buy a new cd player after i get this album, cause im gonna wear the old one out!!!! it sounds very promising indeed, so what if there is a synth bass, mike said he wanted to iron out imperfections from the original recording, and he has done just that! Also reeeeeealy looking forward to the complete Tubular Bells. does anyone know if there are plans to release TB2003 on vynil?

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alexander.schweigert Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 15:26

i think the "hidden" track is a special single mix.


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Holger Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 16:12

So you're all serious in saying you like it?  :O
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Tieò_mesaèného_svitu Offline

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Posted: April 11 2003, 16:31

No, Holger, I don't like it. I LOVE IT!
I can't wait for it any longer! Why does time go so slowly... 45 endless days!
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