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Topic: Tubular Bells 2003 DVD-Audio release on Aug 25< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Olivier Offline

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Posted: June 29 2003, 11:58

According to High Fidelity Review, the DVD-Audio version of 'Tubular Bells 2003' will be released on Aug 25 [update: in october] [update: on Nov 03] [update: on Dec 01]. It will encompass 3 audio tracks:  3/2.1 surround, DTS 3/2.1 surround, and Dolby Digital 2/0.0 stereo. The extras  will include video extracts from 'Tubular Bells II' and 'Tubular Bells III' DVD-Video releases in Dolby Digital 3/2.1 and linear PCM stereo, along with a photo gallery, discography and "5.1 Production Notes" written by audio engineer Ben Darlow.
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Henrik Hoffsten

Posted: June 29 2003, 15:52

That's great! At last a DVD with bonus matrial, such images and videos! Cool with a entire album in surround, I have wait a long time for it! Does anyone knows how the label looks like?
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Blue Dolphin Offline

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Posted: June 29 2003, 16:41

Great, 25 August, 2 days after my birthday! :) (and one day after Jarre's...).

Great thing about the bonus material! Let this be a change for rare video and photo material to be included too!

-The mark of a good musician is to play one note and mean it-

Mike Oldfield - 1980
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Ludor Tudor Offline

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Posted: June 29 2003, 17:43

Great to hear!
But this seems to be a DVD-Video to me... (As I believed that you had to have a special DVD-Audio reciever to use DVD-A, like a SACD...)
But maybe I'm not so updated as I should have been?? :/

Kjell at oldfield.no
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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: June 29 2003, 21:10

It's possible to make a DVD-Audio which is DVD-Video compatible - it's the sensible option, as relatively few people have DVD-A players (though compared to the number of people owning a CD player, I'd imagine that numbers of DVD video players count as 'relatively few' ).

I have to say I feel a little cynical about this release, bearing in mind the record company's recent behaviour.
I don't actually see why they couldn't have got it all together for May and released the DVD-A along with the CD. The answer why they didn't do that would appear to be that, as is often the case when a new format arrives, they've seen the chance to sell people the same album twice. Most 'real' fans will have gone out and bought the CD on the release date, wanting to hear the new album as soon as possible...of course they'll have been disappointed that there weren't more extras on the Bonus DVD, that the booklet with the boxed set was barely worth opening and that the CD wouldn't play properly, but as fans they held on tight to what they had. Then along comes a DVD-A, with the extras that everyone wanted in the first place, and the (hopefully) un-tampered-with audio quality that the album deserved from the outset...and off go all the fans to buy the album once again. I'd be a whole lot less cynical about this had it appeared in May and not August.

Warner will be laughing. The 5.1 remix will have cost barely anything to make (Mike simply loaded up the stereo mix on his automated console and altered the panning - if it cost more than £5000 in studio time to do that, I'd be surprised), and they'll take the money for that out of Mike's royalties anyway. Similar goes for the extras, and the rest of the costs of producing the DVD-A edition - minimal extra money involved on the grand scale of things, and they'll make sure that Mike pays for as much as possible anyway. So, with minimal investment from them, they get a whole load more sales from the fans. That's why Warner will be laughing...all the way to the bank.
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Ginger Daddy Offline

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Posted: June 30 2003, 07:33

Hmm... maybe I'm being a bit cynical, but the 'extras' on the disc to be mainly video extracts from the TBII and TBIII DVDs? I already own those on DVD and they are not very good... the encores Moonlight Shadow and Family Man were missing and the editing was very poor.

Looks to me like Warner are just rehashing the same old things again.

I'll buy it for the surround sound mix of TB2003 and that's all.


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5 replies since June 29 2003, 11:58 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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