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Topic: The Tube world demo< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Olivier Offline

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Posted: June 10 2003, 07:52

A demo of The Tube World, Mike's new 3D game, is available for download.
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Mige Iranzo Offline

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Posted: June 10 2003, 08:04

Is there any new music?

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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: June 10 2003, 10:49

I have to say I find it quite funny where he says "Use the bulletin board only to post your ip address"...I mean, it doesn't look like it's stopped people from using it for posting messages! :D

He could do with some improved software to take care of that (it's not like it isn't available)...
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Posted: June 10 2003, 11:06

Mike have to come back at the essential job : music, only music !
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Enric Offline

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Posted: June 10 2003, 11:13

The Demo is fantastic! :)
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timshen Offline

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Posted: June 10 2003, 11:22

The demo is pretty cool - a bit of improvement on TresLunas. The music is all taken from TB2003 with a few other sounds thrown in. Plus there is a overlapping chat that can be brought up by pressing the 'Tab' key.

My fave part is flying through the windmill landscape with the Tuvbular mobiles, shooting the high speed planes. Cool  :cool:

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torbenyj Offline

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Posted: June 10 2003, 11:27

My fave part is flying through the windmill landscape with the Tuvbular mobiles, shooting the high speed planes. Cool  

Where the - f.... can you see this - do I have to have tres lunas installed???????????????
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Posted: June 10 2003, 12:15

Do anyone know what the the target with the game is?? What will I do with the chess horse avatar, and how can I come in to the castle??

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Posted: June 10 2003, 12:18

No version for macs, i supoose :(
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TOBY Offline

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Posted: June 10 2003, 12:56

Its good, I was and still am a huge fan of the MVR concept and its good to see he's progressing with it.

A few points. I like the new banking feature, it does take a bit of getting used to as you tend to over compensate and sart flying around everywhere. Mike if you read this how about introducing the ability to go upside down? I thought about this whilst playing TresLunas, it be really cool to go upside down, I don't know why really but it would. Perhaps if you held a key down on the keyboard and you flipped over on your head? Is it possible?

I like the new details with the graphics but I'd like to know why its being held up on the graphics front? It's still seems a few years out of date when comparing it with whats around at the moment. I fully realise it's a bit of a DIY effort on Mike's part, what it really needs is to be seen by some gaming company and to have lots of money invested in it. It's surely only a matter of time before someone cotton's on to what Mike's doing and to see it hopefully growing in popularity.

Can't wait for the full version though, it looks like there's lots more wating to be seen.

ps Korgscrew's right why doesn't he just re-design the bulletin board so people can arrange meetings and also post messages to each other? Seems obvious really.

Whilst we're at it MO.com could do with a whole new re-design if you ask me. If MVR is to become popular then I think he coud really do with a much more imaginative looking webpage for people to feel inspired by.
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oblique Offline

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Posted: June 10 2003, 14:01

Just because it's Mike's doesn't mean it's good!

Ok so I downloaded the demo.
Here I am in a landscape in which I can move around, but except for a few dead trees, a castle that I cannot reach and a few stained-glass panels with a Horse chess-piece in front there's nothing to see and NOTHING TO DO!!! (or listen to. At least I didn't hear any music)

This is all a waste of time to me if I don't know what to do or why.....

And I'm supposed to ENJOY this?

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a_r_schulz Offline

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Posted: June 10 2003, 15:03

that was also my first impression - guess I had expected some easier access to more features (read my message in the other thread), and I was a little short in time to try out all possible solutions - so I ignored timshen's spoiler warning and lo - the castle gate opened and I found access to more - which I still have to explore when writing these lines. If this is to TubeWorld what the first demo was to tr3s lunas, then I'm eagerly looking forward to the full release...
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torbenyj Offline

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Posted: June 10 2003, 15:06

Well i've just downloaded the demo and gone through it (as much as I think there is). It works fine on my system (P4, Nvidia GeForce 4 graphics card, 256Mb RAM).

It was a bit confusing at first as the initial start up screen is exactly the same as Tres Lunas and the title given is MVR 1 Tres Lunas. But, trust me, when you strat the game it is The Tube World.

The graphics are roughly the same, except the sky and cloud effects, mist etc.. which is a bit better.

There's not much music in this demo, except that which you trigger in a few scenes - which BTW are quite breathtaking.
There is a new flight feature, banking. This is a bit annoying at first if you're used to the old MVR engine, but after a while it proves to give a more realistic sensation of flying and actually helps in getting more accurate directioning.

OK..as to the world itself and what you have to do.

1. Initial scene.
Initially you are in a darkish deserty world with a castle and a set of seven portals (same as before but with stained glass windows in the portal bit). They don't appear to do anything in the demo. You can fire a metallic object which makes a tubular sound.

To get in the castle you have to fire the clock hand pointing to 12 and the gates will open. Quickly go through the gate before it closes. In the castle are two avatars, a hang glider and a magic carpet (?). Go to the far side of the ruined catle and you will find a picture gallery. Only one of the pictures (which has the opening piano sound to TB2003) is a portal in the demo. It is the picture of the windmills and it leads you to the space craft chase game...

2. Space Craft Chase Game

Here you are in a lovely mountainous scene which is partially covered with clouds (where the windmills are). There are many tubular 'mobiles' (like the things you hang from the ceiling to blow in the wind) above the clouds that don't trigger anything.

The sound in this scene is the bass riff of Finale TB2003.

In this scene you have to chase and shoot two space crafts that will turn into seagulls on shooting.

On shooting both of them you will be taken into an ethereal scene..

3. Ethereal Scene

This is a specey scene with many landing platforms in it. Some platforms are empty, some have a roundish metallic thingy on them which takes you back to the initial scene.

I forget what music's playing here.

You must find the portal that looks like an 8 and shoot it then you'll be taken to a lovely Far above the Clouds scene with many Tubular Bells and the Opning theme playing briefly before you go back to the initial scene.

That's all i've discovered so far. Anything else you've found?

Pretty much what I expected actually, although the Space Ship chase was especially fun!!!   Hope there's more music triggers in the full version (and more variety in music).

Well, that's my 2p worth
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TOBY Offline

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Posted: June 10 2003, 15:10

Jael, where's your spirit of discovery laddie????? You can get into the castle once you've worked out how, you can then move onto another world again once you've worked it out. Adimittedly  they could do with including a bit more music but it is just a demo so....
Hope the full version isn't to far away.
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oblique Offline

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Posted: June 10 2003, 15:38

I'm not too proud to say I'm sorry..... I haven't had enough sleep lately so I was going for fast results.
Guess I'll try again later. Now I'm off to bed.
Thanks guys...

"While we are alive we should sit among colored lights and taste good wines, and discuss our adventures in far places; when we are dead, the opportunity is past." - Jack Vance
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Posted: June 10 2003, 17:49

sleep tight
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oldfield_fan Offline

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Posted: June 10 2003, 17:53

I enjoyed this demo and I agree with timshen that the plane hunting is pretty funny =) Also, the graphics are better, the lighting, the movement, etc (compared to MVR of course).

Of course it's just a demo, but it still needs some simple improvements. When moving close to the edge of the world, you can easily make out the spheric walls with the heaven "painted" on it... it makes you feel you're inside the Trueman show or something ;-) Also, the moon is completely flat, and you can actually fly behind it... :-/

But overall it seems better than MVR in many ways. I like the idea of putting puzzles into the game, like for example you have to figure out how to get inside the castle. More of this, and more surprises. And most important... more music in the game!

BTW. Did anyone find all the six avatars? I bet something spectacular will happen if you bring them all inside the castle gates as Mike challenged us to do =)

Best wishes

/ Johan
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TOBY Offline

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Posted: June 10 2003, 18:03

My prediction is that all the music you hear in the full version of the Tube World will be drawn from all three bells albums, but I hope there's some new stuff just for extra interest. One thing however, could Mike not think up something better than chasing jet aeroplanes? I don't mind the idea of chasing something, but aeroplanes??? Does his obsession with aviation know no bounds? Also I'm not really sure that SciFi and TB go hand in hand (the space platforms bit), at all infact.
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MO fan Offline

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Posted: June 10 2003, 18:56

Does it work on Windows 95 or is it win 98/2000 only?
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Wojtek Offline

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Posted: June 10 2003, 19:36

The demo looks nice, i like some ideas of it. The graphic has some improvments, but it's still looking-like-home-made-3d. I think it would be better to add the game to TB2003 - then it would be seen as simpatic 'gift' form Mike. Now you pay for the game which looks like it was made 5 yeras ago.

Anybody knows if there's music from TB2 or TB3? It would be nice to fly over the Great Plain...
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