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Topic: Schiller chat a triumph over adversity!< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: Jan. 14 2006, 17:41

Despite initial problems with getting Christopher von Deylen into the chat room, I think everyone will agree that it was a very enjoyable evening once it got started!
Sorry to all of you who had the same trouble as Christopher and couldn't get in - unfortunately, the problem was outside our control.

We'd like to thank everyone who came and took part, and of course we want to give an even bigger thanks to Christopher von Deylen for coming to answer everyone's questions!

A transcript of the interview and chat follows in the next posts on the forum - click the 'comments' link below to get there from the front page.
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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: Jan. 14 2006, 17:57

First off, the introductory interview (tidied up very slightly to make it easier to follow). 'schiller' is, of course, Christopher!

Korgscrew: I'm intrigued...both you and Mike Oldfield seem to have picked similar themes for your most recent albums - Light and Shade, Day and Night. What attracted you to the idea of an album about day and night?

schiller: the title of the record appeared to me, after i finished the album to approx. 50%. i did some tracks and then i wondered to which "subject" they might have inspired me. so in this case that was somthing like eternity, but also a very contrast-kind of thing. "day and night" seemed to be the ideal description for that.

Korgscrew: Do you think it's a theme which is important to your music, this idea of contrasting sides?

schiller: i like "life" itself. and life is, as we all know, full of contrasts and full of opposite meanings. and as my music somehow represents "life", the contrasting aspect makes a lot of sense to me.

Korgscrew: I get the sense, especially with the spoken parts on the album, that it's something like going on a guided tour. Do you like the idea of your albums being a kind of journey that you guide the listener on?

schiller: journey - yes. but not necessarily a "guided" one. i try to give some hints. but at the end it is up to the listener to follow a certain hint, or go after another one.

Korgscrew: So that they're exploring the things you've hidden for them to find?

schiller: well, i am not hiding things in purpose. but as this music is very emotional and personal, it obviously reveals some of my inner feelings...

Korgscrew: That's of course something which is a major element of Mike Oldfield's music too, these things which are maybe not so easy to find on first listen, that are 'hidden' and need to be explored. Was he an inspiration to you when you first started making music?

schiller: i grew up in the mid 80s, so i obviously listened to his "80s period". which was not very inspiring to me but i found it somehow interesting. then i discovered his "early works". they inspired me very much, and still do. just got the EXPOSED-DVD ;-)

Korgscrew: Ah yes, that was quite an amazing concert really, a really huge thing to pull off!

schiller: yes, indeed. and they got interesting equipment those days...

Korgscrew: I see that you like to do quite spectacular concerts too. Does it excite you to be able to add that visual dimension when you perform your music?

schiller: yes, it really does. simply interesting to put another dimension to the music.

Korgscrew: You mix your albums in Dolby Surround, I see. What attracts you to that format?

schiller: it is a good mixture between "surround" and "stereo-compatible" and it leaves a bit more space than just plain "stereo", although one of my favourite albums, "pet sounds" by the beach boys was entirely mono ;-)

Korgscrew: Well yes, good music works however many speakers it comes out of! Do you think that surround will be used more often in the future?

schiller: i am afraid, that it will not be used even that often. it is strange - technology puts us in the position of reproducing sound better and better. but instead of taking advantage of those possibilites, mp3 and such formats are ruining the music...

Korgscrew: Yes, it's quite funny how things seem to be going backwards in some ways!

schiller: indeed. from vinyl to tape to CD. and back ;-)

Korgscrew: But, I suppose on the plus side, the new technologies being developed for sharing music on the internet make it easier for musicians to collaborate via the net...which is how you worked with Mike Oldfield, isn't it?

schiller: that is true. so like "Life" itself everything has two sides...

Korgscrew: How do you find that collaborating electronically like that compares to working with someone in the same studio?

schiller: well... it has two sides ;-) but if the time-schedule and the logistics allow it, i prefer working together in the studio. although it was a nice experience to do it online.

Korgscrew: Do you generally rely on exchanging a lot of ideas when you work with other musicians, or is it more a case of having a quite fixed idea of what you want from them?

schiller: you never know what will happen. so this is difficult to rely on. but each artist has his own "style". and i think, that this gives some idea of what the result will sound like after all.

Korgscrew: It certainly seems like your style fits well with Mike Oldfield's. Do you have more plans to work together?

schiller: we talked about a further collaboration, maybe something completely new. but we both concentrate on our "own" stuff for now. but who knows?

Korgscrew: Well, I think we all look forward to seeing what happens!

schiller: yes. we will see what the future brings in general...
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Harmono Offline

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Posted: Jan. 14 2006, 18:00

I am waiting for the transcript in exitement.
good to hear that people took part in this cool event, I would have joined in too but I had to go out tonight. Im very interested in Schillers equipment because his sound is superb!

What was the problem with getting him in to the chatroom?
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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: Jan. 14 2006, 18:24

Here's the chat transcript (once again, slightly tidied up and reorganised to make it easier to follow):

Bluepeter: thank you for joining this little chat christopher, how do you think will the internet in general be a media for artists and fans to meet ?

schiller: i think it is simply great. this way of communication would have been impossible even 10 years ago.

Tsode: Hello Christopher I´m Spanish. in Spain we meet you for your collaboration with Mike Oldfield. Why don´t you never bring your albums to Spain?

schiller: hi to spain ;-) that is a good question. i would love to do so. but the record company has its own mechanisms. but i really try my best to get the albums released in your nice country.

Inkanta: Greetings, Christopher! I hadn't heard of Schiller prior to your MO collaboration (I'm in mid-west USA). But now, I have two of your CDs on order. Do you think that some of the long-time Schiller fans have discovered Mike through his work on your album?

schiller: i think so, and in fact i hope so. mid-west USA ? i went to omaha in 1987 for a school-exchange ;-)

Inkanta: Omaha! Cool! I'm two hours from St. Louis, Missouri!

schiller: ah. all the best to missouri!

ToroAcu: How did you end up making a mix for Moya Brennan (the song "Show Me")? Did you meet her? Did she contact with you or was it you the one who approached her?

schiller: actually her record-label contacted me. but she called me, after she heard the mix. became quite familiar to each other by now.

Korgscrew: She sings on Tag und Nacht, of course...

Mmmmarcus: Hallo aus Deutschland. I'm very pleased to meet you! In your concerts you often present the stars, which already contributed on the album. Did you get the impression that Oldfield might like to join some concerts in the future? Any tour plans so far?

schiller: as far as i know, mike just moved from the london-area to the bath-area in the UK. so i figure he is rather occupied and it is not very likely that he will play live with the schiller-tour...at least not on the upcoming one.

olivier: I recently read an article about Stockhausen and then tried to listen to it. I can't enjoy modern/contemporary music, I don't get it. Do you listen to it (Boulez, Stokhausen, stuff like that), enjoy it? Do we have to be supermen to be able to like it? Mike Oldfield collaborated with one of these composers: David Bedford.

schiller: i try my best to respect those "modern" composers. but to be honest: i do not like their music very much...

Unknow_Man: Hi, Schiller, All of us love the early works of Mike Oldfield, like you. He has any project about this, a long instrumental work? He talked you about?

schiller: no, not in detail.

turok3: Hello. How much time did you (both) spend making "Morgentau"? Thanks Christopher, from Spain.

schiller: hard to calculate. maybe 4 days combined - which makes 10 hours a day...not calculated the file-transfer via the www.

mastermind: Hi Christopher, your music is absolutely amazing, I would like to ask you what kind of music do you usually listen to. Greetings from Spain.

schiller: thank you. i am listening to at least one tangerine dream-album per week, some 80s pop music. it is hard for me to find contemporary music. i love ludovico einaudi.

jones3d: I like Morgentau very very much. It has a cool mysterious feeling. Christopher, do you know Enigma music? If yes, do you like it?

schiller: i love the first album and i respect the second one. i think michael cretu should not sing that much. in fact i know frank petersen very well, his co-producer from the first enigma-album. he brought me to sarah brightman. with her i did a track on the "life" album. and tissy thiers, who did MOTI SPECIAL and CRETU  THIERS with michael is a regular in my live-band.

Tsode: What software do you use to compose your songs?

schiller: i use logic. just upgraded from 6 to 7.

Schillheim: Hallo Christopher, liebe Grüße nach Berlin. What about Moya Brennan, will we she see on the schillertour 2006? I hope so

schiller: hallo schillheimer, schoen dich zu sehen...gruesse an alle...moya brennan will be on the tour. we are still trying to fix some dates. most probably she will be in duesseldorf on may, 10th. maybe even on more shows...

Korgscrew: I suppose we should remind anyone who's interested that all of the Schiller tour dates are available on http://www.schiller-musik.de

Schillheim: Christopher, Leipzig  and Chemnitz are very nice citys, Moya will be love it!!! ;)

schiller: i know - i went to her solo-shows there. we will see...unfortunately her schedule is rather tight next year.

Unknow_Man: Are you listened the Mike Oldfield's cover of Romance? Do you think that this is a retro techno style?

schiller: i think romance is a very nice song. but not necessarily retro...

sorti: Would you like to compose something similar to the romance? Ancient made modern music

schiller: why not...

Tsode: Two Questions: in your previous albums you included heppner's voice. Why didn't you do it in this one? Did you know Mike Oldfield's music before your collaboration with him?

schiller: yes, i knew mike's music since some time. heppner is a good friend of mine, and we decided to give it a break on this album.

mtomasky: hello, greetings from Poland, Christopher, do you like movie music, do you know any composers? Maybe Hans Zimmer rings a bell? ;)

schiller: of course, hans zimmer rings a bell. i like music for movies. and greetings to poland ;-)

olivier: Did you consider using something else than German for the spoken parts of your music? Mike Oldfield had a track released in several languages: To Be Free (a tune, let's say, I respect... ;-)

schiller: well, so far i did not consider that. as it is my mother-language, i feel quite safe using it.

Uwe: hi Christopher, I thouht you are on a trip by car with your father?

schiller: hi uwe, we will leave in february... we prepare a website: www.berlin-calcutta.com. will be online from mid-february.

Uwe: that's fine

schiller: we will go through iran and pakistan. very exciting, to say the least-

devoe: Yeah, sounds very exciting

Schillheim: christopher, the himalaya-rally ends 2 day before the tour starts, thats right?

schiller: no, i will be back around april 10th. so there is some time to prepare for the tour. rehearsals start april 18h.

Unknow_Man: Schiller, a lot of us are Mike Oldfield's spanish fans. We can't buy or hear your Cds, so what album of Mike sound most next to your music?

schiller: that is difficult for me to say. very difficult...on www.schillermusic.com you can listen to some of he schiller-tracks including the videos. maybe you get an idea then...

Unknow_Man: ohhh, thanks

Uwe: I still remember the fan treffen in Berlin in 2005, that was great!

Inkanta: Christopher, what was the first musical instrument that you learned to play, and do you still have it?

schiller: i learned to play the piano. but unfortunately i do not have that particular one anymore...

Inkanta: Ah...thanks!

Korgscrew: What do you think about the idea that electronic instruments aren't 'proper' instruments?

schiller: i do not agree. in fact they are real "organic" instruments. electricity appears in nature - think of flash  thunder  or the notorious "lemon battery"

Korgscrew: Indeed! I personally feel that an electronic instrument like the theremin can be every bit as expressive as an acoustic instrument...but I won't get on that particular hobby horse right now ;)

schiller: :-)

Tsode: just before saying good bye, I'd like to beg you something: Please, convince your record company to market your material in Spain, your Spanish fans would be very grateful. best wishes

Tubularman: Hello Schiller, im not good asking questions, just wanna say that your music is lovely :)

Inkanta: What advice would you give a young person hoping for a career in music?

schiller: do not give up. never. and try to find your own personal style. this is most imporant. good luck.

sorti: Is it true that the bald men triumph more with the women?

Korgscrew: Ha!

schiller: that is new to me.

sorti: ;)

schiller: well, i think i have to leave now...

Korgscrew: Well, thanks very much for taking the time to join us!

schiller: no problem.

Uwe: Christopher, wir freuen uns auf den 11. Mai auf Deine neue Tag und Nacht Tour! (Christopher, we're looking forward to the 11th of May on your new Tag und Nacht tour)

schiller: freu mich auch. (I'm looking forward to it too)

Uwe: :-))

schiller: well, thank you very much for having me here. it has been a real pleasure. and sorry for the delay. and thank you for the warm welcome you gave me.

Tubularman: :)

Korgscrew: That's quite ok, it's good you got here in the end!

schiller: please take care and thank you very much again. bye.

Korgscrew: Bye!

Everyone says goodbye and thanks to Christopher

schiller: thank you and finally: good night everybody ;-)
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moonchildhippy Offline

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Posted: Jan. 14 2006, 18:39

Very interesting webchat  :) , however I did try and join in but neither of the links posted  would let me in, I tried several times :( , I have  the Java Applet downloaded.  The first one said that I'd been "autokilled" or something, strange that I thought I was very much alive  :/ .  it also wouldn't accept my server as valid, most strange :/ .  The second link came up "page not found" I don't know how to get an IRC set up.

I'm going slightly mad,
It finally happened, I'm slightly mad , just very slightly mad

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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: Jan. 14 2006, 18:44

Quote (Harmono @ Jan. 14 2006, 23:00)
What was the problem with getting him in to the chatroom?

The trouble was that DALnet wasn't being very well behaved, and he couldn't connect. He also had some problems with his internet connection, I believe. We ended up moving back to the oldfield.info server, which was of course entirely problem free tonight (as it usually is, in fact)!

Unfortunately, we didn't have time to ask a lot about his equipment - I agree it would have been interesting to know, but as we were an hour late starting, I dropped a few of the questions I might have otherwise liked to have asked in the interview, so that everyone had a chance to ask him something.

I may see if I can get the information from him another way, but of course he's very busy, so it might not be possible.
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olracUK Offline

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Posted: Jan. 14 2006, 20:42

Sounds like a good time, sorry I couldn't make it.

great to see Christophe and "the usual suspects", and some interesting comments.

The answer is 42 - but what is the question?
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Tansy Offline

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Posted: Jan. 15 2006, 06:46

Missed out on this one :/ good to read all about it though.Now will just have to wait for the M.O live chat - yeh I know don't tell me,it's going to be a long wait!
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Tati The Sentinel Offline

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Posted: Jan. 15 2006, 19:49

I wanted to be in,but since I´m currently on vacation in Buenos Aires and the computer from the lan house was waaay too slow,I couldn´t get in :(

But the chat was very very lovely and I do hope to talk to Christopher one day soon...I´m a Schiller addict now after getting to know all of his work.

Korgie,is there a chance to send Christopher a few questions for him to answer?

Just guessing :D

"But it's always the outsider, the black sheep, that becomes the blockbuster." - Mike Oldfield, 2014

"I remember feeling that I'd been judged unfairly and that I was going to prove them wrong." - Peter Davison, 2011
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qjamesfloyd Offline

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Posted: Jan. 22 2006, 15:20

So has Mike just moved to Bath then?.
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bee Offline

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Posted: Jan. 22 2006, 15:36

Quote (qjamesfloyd @ Jan. 22 2006, 20:20)
So has Mike just moved to Bath then?.

What makes you say that? Have I missed something? Just curious!! :)

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Inkanta Offline

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Posted: Jan. 23 2006, 00:13

Mmm....somewhat hiding in the chat transcript above Christopher said, "as far as i know, mike just moved from the london-area to the bath-area in the UK. so i figure he is rather occupied and it is not very likely that he will play live with the schiller-tour...at least not on the upcoming one."

"No such thing as destiny; only choices exist." From:  Moongarden's "Solaris."
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qjamesfloyd Offline

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Posted: Jan. 23 2006, 03:35

Yes, he kind of casually just slipped that comment in there, so my question still stands, has Mike moved to Bath? Korgie?.
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bee Offline

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Posted: Jan. 23 2006, 05:19

Yes, I see now!

The area surrounding Bath is beautiful. Good for them, Mike & family!!

My hubby & I chose Wiltshire for our honeymoon, years ago now. Drawn to Avebury and Stonehenge and visited Bath & Marlborough too. It was winter time, foggy, cold and really wonderful. It was as if time stood still, so peaceful. :)

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olracUK Offline

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Posted: Jan. 23 2006, 11:37

I wonder if he's anywhere near Box? Then he could nip round Peter Gabriel's to use his studio.

The answer is 42 - but what is the question?
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bee Offline

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Posted: Jan. 23 2006, 13:09

I didn't know Peter Gabriel was over there...great if they could get together??

Btw is it possible that Mike Oldfield.com was down a little while ago because of the move? (assuming he has moved ofcourse...gosh is this gossiping? I don't like that) Or does that not effect that sort of thing?

....second to the right and straight on till morning....

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Tati The Sentinel Offline

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Posted: Jan. 23 2006, 18:45

Bath area? Just ab fab!

That city really means a lot to me,loved when I visited there way back in 97.

Hope that new surroundings help Mike in his future works as well as his personal life too :)

"But it's always the outsider, the black sheep, that becomes the blockbuster." - Mike Oldfield, 2014

"I remember feeling that I'd been judged unfairly and that I was going to prove them wrong." - Peter Davison, 2011
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Inkanta Offline

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Posted: Jan. 23 2006, 19:20

Mmmm....I really liked the landscape of the surrounding area and the museums within the city (and the baths were incredibly interesting)! This past June, we drove from the Beacon to Bath, and then the following day went on to Glastonbury (hiked to the Tor), then the day after meditated in the inner circle at Stonehenge, then visited Woodhenge and Avebury. In Avebury, I nearly lost the youngest two girls, who had wandered off among the standing stones.  Luckily, they wandered back again! :/  I am very drawn to Avebury.

"No such thing as destiny; only choices exist." From:  Moongarden's "Solaris."
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Alan D Offline

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Posted: Jan. 24 2006, 04:27

Quote (Inkanta @ Jan. 24 2006, 00:20)
I am very drawn to Avebury.

Wow. Don't get me started. The whole of that area is astounding. Somewhere in Lord of the Rings Gimli stamps the ground and says something like 'this land has strong bones', and Wiltshire has strong old bones, by golly. There's a brilliant discussion of the Avebury landscape in a book by Paul Devereux ('Symbolic Landscapes' ), looking at the intervisibility of all the features, with Silbury Hill as a kind of focus, or representation of the shamanic omphalos.

As for Bath... my goodness. Just to walk along the streets in Bath is to feel better. That warm, yellowish stone everywhere; the memories of so many famous footsteps (I always spare a special thought for Thomas Gainsborough when I walk round the Circus). The whole city is a work of art.

If Mike has moved there, then it'll be very interesting to see if it has an effect on his music. (It hardly fits with Light and Shade, I think! )
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Tati The Sentinel Offline

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Posted: Jan. 24 2006, 08:01

Quote (Alan D @ Jan. 24 2006, 07:27)
As for Bath... my goodness. Just to walk along the streets in Bath is to feel better. That warm, yellowish stone everywhere; the memories of so many famous footsteps (I always spare a special thought for Thomas Gainsborough when I walk round the Circus). The whole city is a work of art.

If Mike has moved there, then it'll be very interesting to see if it has an effect on his music. (It hardly fits with Light and Shade, I think! )

Maybe another Tres Lunas effect,when Mike bought a house down a river to serve as inspiration for the album?

I personally don't think so...

"But it's always the outsider, the black sheep, that becomes the blockbuster." - Mike Oldfield, 2014

"I remember feeling that I'd been judged unfairly and that I was going to prove them wrong." - Peter Davison, 2011
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