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Topic: Predictions for 2001< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Olivier Offline

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Posted: Jan. 06 2001, 02:28

It's the season for predictions, so let's have fun...

  • Mike will do a concert in China. There will be no singer on stage, and almost no playback at all. A double live CD and a video will be released.
  • Mike will upgrade his computers (an old Mac Quadra) and buy a new Mac G4.
  • Episode 1 of Sonic VR will be released in June.
  • There will not be an Episode 2 of Sonic VR.
  • Mike will get a new hairstyle and will lose some weight.
  • Mike will move from London to Italy in July., in a new house.
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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: Jan. 06 2001, 16:05

Of course, we all know that what will really happen is...

Mike will play a series of nightly concerts in London. He will perform using exclusively acoustic instruments, and they will take place underneath Hungerford bridge...

Mike will buy a new G4 cube. He will go back to using his old powermac 2 days later, after it gets damaged when somebody mistakes the cube for a toaster...

Sonic VR will be released in a 'virtual' form and will sell millions of copies. Non-clothbrained people will notice that, being virtual, it doesn't really exsist and that they have bought an empty box. The masses will carry on buying it regardless...

Mike will buy a new T-shirt, after wearing out that zebra-print one.

Mike will give up material posessions and camp in a tent in the garden. From there he will record his next album, using a dictaphone, a casio portable keyboard, and one of those plastic guitars with little buttons that play Status Quo riffs when you push them...
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TimHighfield Offline

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Posted: Jan. 31 2001, 05:25


The China concert will take place and Mike will then do a tour of the Pacific region so that he doesn't have to go back again.

Sonic Virtual Reality Episode One will be released...eventually

The DVD from the Berlin Concert will be released after the China Concert and under the guise of that particular concert because the people who did the notes for the Millennium Bell have somehow got another job.

When they realise their mistake, they will insert the China coverage onto the DVD, delete the Berlin coverage permanently, keep the packaging, and do the same as Virgin did with "Sally". Therefore only 1% of all DVD releases will have the Berlin coverage, and it will be in the wrong packaging. It will also only play in Region 3.

Sonic Virtual Reality Episode Two will be released before Episode One.

Mike will work out that he should stick with music and SVR and leave the HTML to the experts.

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2 replies since Jan. 06 2001, 02:28 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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