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BOOsTER Offline

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Posted: Aug. 13 2003, 18:56

well I think he would like to...
but I guess he cares about his privacy a lot...and maybe he also worries of a "chat friendship" that he could tell someone more than he should...

you know...he's a star and his privacy was attacked manyt imes

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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2003, 05:27

Mike (either that or someone close to him, or a hoaxer who knew a little more than most) did post here once, but nobody noticed until I pointed it out! I don't believe that he posts here regularly, though he may have ways of doing so undetected...
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BOOsTER Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2003, 06:11

I just tried to point out how anonymous this board is...

since if Mike would be here we would never know ;)

btw Korgscrew? who was that someone who are u talking about? :)

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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2003, 08:35

The person was called Mike! He said 'hello' and nothing more. All the relevant details fitted what I'd expect. To be honest, unless he revealed his identity (like there), I wouldn't reveal it for him - if he wants to join in discussions without being fussed over by fans, then I'm not going to spoil it for him.

He does look here occasionally, but as his comments in the Guardian revealed, he doesn't always look very closely...
I think he has 'better' things to do than post on, or even read, fan forums.
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BOOsTER Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2003, 10:39

yes that seems like you are right... :-/

not that I like the fact :D

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Satyagraha Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2003, 12:31

There is a long-time member who calls himself Mike Oldfield. He hasn't posted, though. I guess he could be Mr. Oldfield just reserving the name, so it's not misused.

Byrði betri berrat maðr brautu at en sé mannvit mikit
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TOBY Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2003, 12:36

My guess is he does browse these boards every so often when it's in his interest to or even when he's just got nothing better to do. Im sure he probably looked here a lot when MVR was at it's height, just to get feedback and to see what stage everyone was at in it. He did say in that last message (regarding the Tube World demo) 'I know how clever you all are' so I reckon he must have looked at the MVR section here quite a lot just to see what we'd discovered.

I know if I were Mike I'd be interested in direct feedback regarding aspects of my career but then again as we all know Mike he does sometimes seem less than interested. As Korgscrew said he does seem painfully ignorant sometimes, certainly as far as this copy protection fiasco is concerned.

Off topic, but since we're here anyway, who officialy is in Mike's team these day's? Do Caroline Monk and Jeremy Parker still work as PA's for him? There seemed to be a lot more interaction with the fan community in the late 90's, the Dark Star site yous'd to get regular photo's of Mike etc. Things have certainly been much quieter in this respect in the last year or so since TresLunas came out, which is a shame I think because Mike could really do with a bit of PR between him and his fans at the moment to put it mildly.
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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2003, 14:36

Jeremy Parker is still there, but Caroline Monk has been gone a long time. The last evidence I saw of Mike being in touch with Dark Star was the thanks for the birthday wishes which came via Jeremy Parker. I have a suspicion that may be the only contact there's been for a long time...
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qjamesfloyd Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2003, 15:18

I do feel that is a big failing on the marketing of Mike Oldfield,the people behind him don't work that hard to promote him,i mean,there is so much more that can be done these days with the advent of the internet,and someone as Mike Oldfield should be at the forefront of that,with his mix of great music and visuals,if more effort was put into that,i am sure it would help promote him more,giving him the exposure he deserves.
On Mark Knopfler's offical website,they are asking the fans in the forum what they would like to see on the re-vamped Warners Official Mark Knopfler web site,so,they are listeing to the fans,why can't someone connected with Mike do that,i am sure we could all come up with some great things!!!!!!!!!
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TOBY Offline

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Posted: Aug. 14 2003, 15:50

I came to realise a long time ago that that sort of fan-artist interaction you get from a lot of other artists just isn't and probably never will be part if Mike's way of doing things. A few other artists I take an interest in The Cure for example have excelent hands on approaches. The recent Cure live DVD had a delayed release date across Europe (sounds familiar?) and they had a country by country apology on their website complete with full reasons for the delay. The Chemical Brothers, meanwhile, who have a DVD coming out in September, had a voting system on their website so fans could make suggestions for the content.

Like I said above I've come to realise you just don't get this kind of treatment from Mike, and I've come to expect that and respect it, he's just not like that. However I do think it's a shame because I think he actualy looses out at the end of the day. Prusumably he does want people to buy his music? It's a shame he doesn't take an interest in those who care about him.
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Posted: Aug. 14 2003, 22:46

It seems some people thrive on abusing Mike be it his latest crop of music ,copy protection even the game and now some of the same people want him to walk amongst them.

I feel lately things have been getting quite unhealthy here.
I believe a form of copyright protection is required these days though I do sympathise with the genuine fans who have had problems with their purchase of 2003.

I like this website on the whole and friendly good natured debate and a little leg pulling is no problem but I do feel the annonoymous nature the internet can provide allows some to spout their faceless mouths off to the good of know one.

I have been saddened and somewhat shocked by some of the treatment Mike has been the subject of and I can actually understand why he appears to avoid such areas.

Get it clear Mike has his family and his Music full stop!
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Posted: Aug. 15 2003, 08:28

- and a lot of money and a nice house and nice toys
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TOBY Offline

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Posted: Aug. 15 2003, 08:46

Where exactly are people 'spouting their faceless mouths to the good of no-one'????????????? I would say most of the observations posted on these forums, good and bad, are fair enough, most are well considered whether you agree with them or not. It's rare here that even in the most heated of discussions people actualy get offensive though it has to be said I think your above comment comes dangerously close.

It's true there has been a lot of negativity surrounding the copy protection issue around here recently but who's fault is that? People have a right to feel upset and a right to express their frustration. If you feel saddened and shocked by fans feeling disenchanted with Mike at the moment then I'm sorry but you just have to respect how they feel. Most of us have views on how things could be done better for Mike and we all have a right to express them. If you're so easily upset by those views then ignore them but don't make offensive comments yourself, people don't respect that sort of thing.
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Posted: Aug. 15 2003, 09:31

Annalyze that post it should offend know one but the guilty ones who for reasons I don't understand nor wish to understand feel an urgent need to bring M O down.I am not of course talking about the majority of people here I hasten to add.

Personal opinions,good natured debate about Mikes work is fine, personal over the top intrusions on him which verge on the completely distorted is what I find pathetic and plain wrong.

I have no wishes or need to mention individuals,each person is accountable for what they write here and the views they hold and a record is available of what has gone before.

Now Toby were exactly did I offend you in that post of mine.
You have came back to me on a  personal level and vicious at that.Am I not enetitled to speak how I find.
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Posted: Aug. 15 2003, 11:19

James, chill out,

Life's too short

- go listen to Tr3s Lunas or something ; )
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TOBY Offline

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Posted: Aug. 15 2003, 12:29

James the only line in your post I took exception to was the one regarding fans 'spouting their faceless mouths off to the good of no one'. I don't think this is in anyway a fair comment aimed at anyone here regardless. And because it was directly after a number of my posts, which I might add after reading back over them contained only fair observations about Mike in which I chose my language carefully, I presumed (though perhaps wrongly I admit) it was aimed in my direction.

There are very, very few deliberatly offensive posts by supposed fans on these forums. Any posts which are genuinely offensive get quite rightly deleted pretty rapidly by Olivier and Korgscrew.

Like I said in my last post and indeed you said in yours these are our 'personal opinions' we are posting and should be treated as such. I also rarely see any evidence for people 'abusing Mike'. True you occationaly get the odd ill thought out comment by a fan but it's fairly rare and nothing to get to excitedly upset about. I also don't like to see this deliberate need to bring Mike down which is rife within the music world but to be fair I don't really see much evidence of that here on these boards. Even the most openly critical of fans is entitled to their opinion as long as its constructive.  

As Chris said in his above post I think people need to chill out a bit when it comes to hearing criticism they don't like the sound of.

Off to listen to TresLunas.
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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: Aug. 15 2003, 14:44

Things are certainly not in a particularly good state in the fan community at the moment, or at least this sector of it.

I do feel that there have been some comments which have been negative but serving no particular good. Those have been in the minority though, and a lot of people here do have very good points to make.

Yes, Mike has his family and his music, but he also has his job. I'd say an important part of any job is ensuring that the customers are happy with the work one is doing, whether they're the customers of a big corporate employer or the customers of one's own business - Mike has both, as he's both employed by Warner Records and he does business direct with the public when he sells Music VR.
It's possible to get a long way on a good product and nothing more, but after a time, if the customers feel that the company doesn't care about them, they start to get annoyed - that's what's happening here. If Mike wants it just to be his family and his music, then that's fine, he has a right to - but he also has to realise that he can't expect people to remain interested in his business if he's ignoring the customers. It might seem heartless to talk in business terms, but business it is - Mike's a professional musician and chooses to continue being one.

I'm not sure it does much good to say things like "I don't want Mike to experiment with quarter tones, he should stop now", though - being bossy and demanding isn't what I feel is the right way to go about things...he'll go the way he wants to. However, with this being business, people can vote with their wallets and choose not to buy what he's producing (that seems to have happened with Tubular Bells 2003). It's just like hos a man who wants to open a kebab shop will open a kebab shop - he may discover in time that nobody actually wants to buy kebabs, in which case he has the choice of either selling something else which people do want, moving his business somewhere that people do want kebabs, closing the business down, or finding income elsewhere and making kebabs as a hobby (there's one for Mike to try after he's got bored with the helicopters - I'm sure getting a döner to stay on the skewer would be child's play to someone who's just built a mini jet engine).

The kind of fan community we have here at the moment is a relatively new thing when looked at in terms of Mike's career - he almost certainly didn't expect having to deal with anything like this when he signed his contract with Virgin. I can understand that he doesn't want to come and join in discussions here - I probably wouldn't either if I was in his position. But, he and his record company do have to realise that the internet can be quite an influential place (the noise made by fans surrounding copy protection was enough to reach the ears of The Guardian, and the more that's said on the subject, the more interest it's going to attract - Mike will find it increasingly difficult to dismiss complaints, the more informed journalists become of the situation) and really...all it needs is a few words in the right direction. How about "Sorry to all my fans who have had problems with copy protection. I was sad to hear that some of you have had trouble hearing my work, but we do feel the need to investigate ways of protecting my albums against piracy. For those of you who have been inconvenienced, you can now order a Canadian edition via my website, or you can buy the DVD-A edition in October which will work in most DVD players, though you'll need a DVD-A player to enjoy it to its full effect. I hope you have fun listening to the album."? I think a few words of that nature would have done a lot to calm people down (and if he'd taken a tone like that in The Guardian, he'd have avoided yet more fuss)...
I think similar could have worked with Music VR - I think people would have complained a lot less about it if he'd fully explained the reasoning behind things (like why he had a small team, which in turn explained why it wasn't as slick a product as those from the top software houses...it was never meant to be, and the price did reflect that, but Mike never explained it - it took another of his team members to do that, and that wasn't in the mainstream media...).

There's quite a powerful force out here amongst his fans, and he can either harness it or let it run free...if he lets it run free, it may support him, but it may also go against him. If he harnesses it, things could go in all sorts of interesting directions, and he'll have one less set of people causing trouble for him.
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Alex J Offline

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Posted: Aug. 16 2003, 06:14

Amen.....   :D

Hmm... It rings a distant bell....
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just to let you guis know

Posted: Mar. 21 2005, 12:17

the console is in switzerland,
the "messy" routing works and it is for sale on 25000 swiss franks
wich is around 18000 us....
contact me if you are interested
see pics here
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Phil Offline

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Posted: Nov. 05 2009, 10:07

Quote (Olivier @ Aug. 08 2003, 08:53)
Mike's old NEVE 8108 32 channels console is for sale for 38,000 euros.

Shame I didn't come across this sooner. I was the Neve test engineer who tested his 8108 at Neve's factory in Royston Herts. Later on, some time after he'd taken delivery, I had to go to his house (Denham) because he thought there was a problem with the desk. There wasn't, but we won't go into the gory details here! I remember how excited I was to meet him, and how angry he was because he couldn't get his latest album mixed down! Also saw my first Fairlight in the flesh. There you go -  a blast from the past.
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