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Topic: Music VR update< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Olivier Offline

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Posted: June 13 2002, 07:34

www.mikeoldfield.com contains an updated Music VR download that fixes some problems related to sound, Windows 98, and Windows Me.
(Source: Official Mike Oldfield Information Service)
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timshen Offline

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Posted: June 13 2002, 08:55

Does this mean we have to download the whole file again or is there a patch download?

Actually I've had no sound problems to speak of and i'm running on Windows 98 (except a radio disturbance kind of sound at the origin) - maybe it will solve the jerky movement i've been having (or that may well just be my 466Mhz processor ;-)

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Posted: June 14 2002, 01:51

A fairly good question, timschen!
I've been to the site, and it doesn't say anything about it.
Tres Lunas doesn't run well on my computer, and I've no idea why. My computer's only one year old.
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Jerome C Offline

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Posted: June 14 2002, 16:26

Yes, that's not clear at all : I've just downloaded the whole 52 MB stuff (thanks ADSL), but then the installer says "another version of the product already installed, you must uninstall" ! I'm not sure I wanna do this without knowing if this is really an updated version !

There is normally a page here for that, and it's empty : www.mikeoldfield.com/update/index.html

So what ? I also have sound trouble, I'd like it to be fixed !

Jerome C
(long time out of here, but always having MO in mind somewhere)
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Posted: June 15 2002, 06:08

I downloaded the 52 mgs file, i installed it, but when i run the game, a error says me that there is a problem with Kernel32.dll. I dont know what to do. what do you think?
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Posted: June 15 2002, 08:34

Well Josex,

I think you should re-install the old version (the album version).
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Osiris Offline

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Posted: June 16 2002, 05:08

I installed the 52 megs file, and it works well on win 98. But I didn't notice any changes between this version and the old one.
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Posted: June 16 2002, 07:37

The latest version is the best version to download. It does not contain "more game", but is likely to be more compatible with a wider range of graphics cards, and have less problems with sound.

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seliador Offline

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Posted: June 16 2002, 10:24

Does the album version contain the full game or just the demo?
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Sephirot Offline

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Posted: June 16 2002, 18:58

Hahah! They did this patch with this filty excuse about the sound! No my friends... they just figured out that little bug how to play Tres Lunas free [deleted -- Olivier]

Well i got the game buyed so i have no problems with it smile

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christopher Offline

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Posted: June 17 2002, 11:54

That has got to suck for Mike. Here he has put lots of hard work into this project for a very long time and now you can simply play this game for free. frown

Well I mean that is good for people who are not interested in paying the extra sum or don't have a credit card.

I wonder if they will recall the CD's out there already in the shops to correct this... or just issue the patch on newer pressings of Tres Lunas!?

Ok so how do you know you can play the game for free Olivier??? hmmmmmm??? do share with us wink

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Posted: June 17 2002, 17:42

Well, I must say that the Oldfield team invites people to crack the code: First you have to buy the disc - THEN you have to buy the game. Why pay twice?
I bought both, but I feel rather pissed about having to buy the game on the internet when I just paid for it in the shop....
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Posted: June 18 2002, 00:59

Horse when you buy the disc your buying the Music Album and the demo is present on that disc call it a bonuus and or promotion.If any one person is impressed with this demo ie how it runs on their computer they then pay to own the game.Thats fair enough isnt it?

I often feel had I had to pay £200 for say Incantations I would feel it was still good value and cheap at the price.Mikes art is priceless so we fans get it cheap.
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Posted: June 18 2002, 01:21

No I'm sorry, it isn't fair.
On the Cd cover it says: Including MusicVR, which it really doesn't - unless you pay an extra sum of money.
I bought the album for the game, and that annoys me. Because then I could have downloaded the bugger and saved my money...
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Man In The Rain Offline

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Posted: June 18 2002, 14:51

In response to the above post, yes, it is fair. You paid the cost of a normal CD album - normally that would get you just that, an album. But in addition, at no extra cost, you get a large demo of the game. Then if you like that you can pay for the full game. You can play the game, just a limited version of it. I think you can buy the game and download it without buying the album - it seems only fair that Mike gets double the money for such a huge project. I can see that you are annoyed that the album doesn't include the FULL game, but it does include 'the game', as it were. umm...

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Posted: June 18 2002, 15:09

Just to end the discussion above.
My point is not if it's expencive or not. I just think it's false advertising.
The cover says including (not thay you have to pay extra to play it).
It's like buying Incantations but having to pay more if you want to listen to parts 3 or 4.
Anyways I've bought it, and I've enjoyed, but I don't think it's clever marketing.
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oblique Offline

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Posted: June 19 2002, 22:39

I've got one more thing to say about this.
I bought the album knowing that the second disc only contained a demo.
It's a good thing it did cause it saves me a lot of money.
Now I know I don't want to spend extra for something that looks like a slideshow on my PC.

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Posted: June 21 2002, 09:32

Well I don't particularily mind spending the extra money for the full game - but unfortunately my registration won't work. I have a code and all I ever get is "Network connection failed - try again later" over and over. Apparently there is no customer service number or e-mail availabe, so I have just paid for something I can't use. I'm quite pissed about it - the on-line registration is a total flop. I'm stuck with the demo only.
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christopher Offline

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Posted: June 21 2002, 16:02


go to the Avators tab... and at the bottom there should be two check boxes... one says Connect to Network... and the other I don't remember... just make sure they are both UNCHECKED.

I got the same messege when I first tried to play the full game.

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- Christopher
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Posted: June 25 2002, 11:21


Thanks for the tip, but it didn't fix my problem. I still am unable to register my version. Must be some sort of problem with my network connection I guess, but its quite frustrating to have a perfect working copy of the demo and not be able to run the full version. I've been looking forward to this for over two years.

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