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Topic: Mike Oldfield's albums reissued by EMI Japan< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Olivier Offline

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Posted: Oct. 29 2007, 12:32

EMI Japan has reissued Mike Oldfield's albums (2000 remasters) with miniaturized LP sleeve replicas of the original UK vinyl album artworks.

Thanks, Kenji Hayata.
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Sweetpea Offline

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Posted: Oct. 29 2007, 15:30

I just searched Amazon.com and found that some of these have November 5th and December 4th release dates. I do like the idea of having the original album artwork intact - even in miniaturized form. I suppose the size and style of text can be considered a petty quibble, but it's always bugged me (not in a 'I can't stand to look at it!' way, mind, but in a 'Gee, that's sort of annoying' way) that my CDs sometimes have an enlarged font which, for me, detracts from the cover image. Of course, I realize this is a practical matter when applied to small packaging, but it reminds me that one of the things I miss most about LPs is the big artwork. Studying the cover, both front and back (and even the inner sleeve, sometimes), was a big part of the album experience. A 4.75"x4.75" CD cover just isn't as effective. Still, if the words aren't stamped over Mike's forehead (yes, I'm looking at you, Ommadawn), that's something to be grateful for.

"I'm no physicist, but technically couldn't Mike both be with the horse and be flying through space at the same time? (On account of the earth's orbit around the Sun and all that). So it seems he never had to make the choice after all. I bet he's kicking himself now." - clotty
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jonnyw Offline

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Posted: Oct. 29 2007, 19:33

I think those covers look great. And thats a pic of him I have never seen, too.

I really like Japan's music scene.. I wish I had the chance to get my music heard over there.. something tells me it would be liked a bit better than Europe.

Still.. very cool link, Thanks Kenji!

Grand piano.
Reed and pipe organ.
Bass guitar.
Vocal chords.
Two slightly sampled electric guitars.
The venitian effect.
Digital sound processor.
And Tubular bells.

Solo music - http://-terrapin-.bebo.com

Band music - http://www.rsimusic.com
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Atane Offline

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Posted: Oct. 31 2007, 14:35

Just noticed that Orchestral Tubular Bells was missing.
A shame...  :/

I would be curious to see if 'When the night's on Fire' will be included in the Islands vinyl replica...

Regards from Paris!

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Moz Offline

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Posted: Nov. 11 2007, 21:37

Incantations looks particularly nice!  And Ommadawn.

Twitter: @benbarden
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Ugo Offline

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Posted: Nov. 12 2007, 19:46

Well... looking at these Japanese pages, there's only one thought that's coming into my mind... and I'm not parodying Queen...


Is there anyone here who's kind enough to translate at least some of the Japanese in there? I'd need prices, methods of payment, ordering forms... if any...  CAN THESE BE BOUGHT ONLINE?? :D

Arf - arf - arf - arf. :laugh:

P.S. @ Atane: OTB is there... top of page. ;)

Ugo C. - a devoted Amarokian
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5 replies since Oct. 29 2007, 12:32 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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