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Topic: I SAY, I SAY, I SAY, I SAY & IN ANSWER, I1 Says  I C 1 GOD OO ID I I  + MOre of< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Ugo Offline

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Posted: Aug. 23 2011, 17:40

Quote (0 @ 1(I1)+Aug. 23 2011, 17:39)
Dear Milamber & Ugo
I can find no evidence that the so called lost version was completely lost to Mike, I was under the impression that it was only lost to us, that he possessed the demo version that was rejected by the powers to be at virgin.

The "Lost Version" was lost because the tapes got demagnetized (the oxide fell off them because of the very high number of overdubs) and Mike had to re-do it all again from scratch. There is ample documentation available in books and on the Web regarding this incident. And I think that Mike preferred not to re-record the so-called riddle because there wasn't any chance that he could re-record it exactly as it was, because the whole thing sounds very much like it's completely improvised and not like something which was written anywhere. Just my opinion, of course. ;)

I guess that the "Lost Version" which was issued on the Deluxe Edition came from an acetate - which is what the vinyl record you've seen on that photo probably is. In short, Mike had no need, in 2010, to re-record the so called riddle and he also had no need to remember it. He didn't need any amazing feats of memory. He simply listened to the acetate, then he thought, "Oh Gosh, this is so damn funny - I've got to release this!" And he just did. :) The piece was definitely not lost forever - this is not what I'm implying. The piece got lost in 1975 because the tapes got demagnetized, so Mike re-recorded it without the so-called riddle and that's the version we all know. But evidently someone preserved the first version (which is not a demo at all - it's the first version of Ommadawn Part One), and someone else (i.e. the people who took care of the Deluxe Edition) was lucky enough to find the medium (as I said, maybe it was an acetate) on which it was preserved, so now we can listen to Mike rambling away in 1975 in all of his silly glory. :D

I don't think that he was drunk at all while doing that. He was just having fun in the studio. And I'm positively, 100% sure that the speech was recorded in 1975, not in 2010. :p

Ugo C. - a devoted Amarokian
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0+1(I1) Offline

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Posted: Aug. 31 2011, 14:20

First of all I would like to point peoples attention to what is written in the posts on these topics pages:-  http://tubular.net/forums/ommadawn-lost-version--?act=ST;f=13;t=9665;st=0 .
Where the RIDDLE?/JOKE? is referred to on many occasions as being carried out in an inebriated state as just a bit of silliness.

In reply to this general idea I would like to draw peoples attention to Mikes frame of mind at the time the album was being created, he would surely not of been in a jovial joking mood as he was suffering with the feeling of bereavement in losing his mother and would more likely of been looking to GOD for understanding regarding his mothers life being taken as most people do at times like these.

This mood could also explain (if it is true! ) the erotic magazines episode as a young man with a sex drive racing through his veins yet suffering deep pain could find it hard to find sexual release as I would imagine any or most men will understand on suffering a deeply emotional experience.

On the subject of joke versus riddle? I would also like to add, if the lyrics are indeed ones to a "JOKE" then where is the punch line?.

Also if this was written to be OMMADAWN the first of two albums which would be followed by the release at a future date of Ommadawn 2 which most will know became named Amarok, would this not fit very well with my finding IDOL GOLD IDOL in the riddle.  As this is the main goal of the quest the two friends set off on it the Amarok story [ for those who have not read the story please follow the link below].

On top of this we get the same sort of vocal section in Amarok being performed by Janet Brown, & as we all know ! parts of the two albums merge in sound, & maybe its not to absurd to suggest the stories do too.
Furthermore  Janet Browns impersonation of Baroness Margret Thatcher was IF! MEMORY SERVES ME RIGHT? taken mostly from an actual speech made by the then PM & little was changed apart from the ending jovial part, yet it was a long time ago so I COULD BE SOMEWHAT MISTAKEN if anyone knows for sure please come forward and say.
Ugo I am sorry you feel I am scaring you as you suggest in your post as follows [ Matt: I don't think eye-one is targeting me. He's just hitting me repeatedly because I think that Mike's nonsensical words and lyrics are just that - nonsense. He, on the other hand, seems to think that nonsense just doesn't exist in Mike's works. However, yes, I agree with you that I wish that all of this frantic search for secret/hidden messages in Mike's music riddles, codes, mysteries, etc. - would just stop. It's been discussed at length and, at least from what I could see by reading the various threads, there are many more posters who are unconvinced by eye-one's theories that people who are actually convinced. So why don't we all simply stop doing that? It's really making me sick. And, as I've pointed out in another thread, it's scaring me.]

Although I can not understand how finding concealed meanings or possible meanings to the Godly symbols in Mikes artwork & sounds in his music would scare anyone let alone an adult, especially if it is all nonsense, I note you make in a earlier post reference to "Paul is dead" & I hardly think this is apt as MO & Sir P.M  are hardly similar STARS the latter one being a star of pop music, although very talented! he in my mind falls far sort of the mark in the mystic department.  I find it amazing that anyone in the western world of education with sound mind would of been taken by such a story, no one not even children I knew at the time were effected by this story in the way you appear to of been unless they were crazed or on drugs.

I as a fan of Mikes from year one of his career have only ever seen or felt his work to be of good nature, sometimes it can take one deep into ones feelings but not to dark places that do not exist in ones self!.
Thus I find it very peculiar that anyone would worry about anything he might encode in his work, when I see him smile or happy it fills me with joy, I can not see this man as a person who would willfully bring harm to anyone especially a fan who loves his music! can you?.

So far all the possible answers/meanings we have uncovered are of a Godly nature not based upon evil! messages you will be relieved to now know, I am shocked if you could of thought otherwise.  Mike is a spiritual person he may possess as we all do two sides to his nature yet I feel he resides in the light not dwelling in the dark in spirit in his work.  If you find this to scary Ugo or others & can not sense MO as being a source of light in our world then I am sorry that our posts are not for you.

I should also inform readers of these posts that "I" & all but one of the "I"'s are without any firm religious beliefs i.e. we are open to all religious teachings yet currently unconvinced by any one having a total truth that towers over or above another in holding all the truth! if any at all.  I myself and one other of our group started out as fairly convinced humanists with purely a belief in the power of good versus bad inherent & driving sentient life and currently are still not with blind faith, our eyes may have been opened in our quest to the growing possibility that their may be more to Mikes beliefs than nonsense in fact as a whole it makes perfect sense, yet we can only be convinced if the answer has no doubt in it being based on  logic or impossible to find doubt in, and that is why we wish to see what others will think of what we have seen and find out what others may have wondered about.  As this whole thing is about finding out what every one can find belief in, not just us but you all as individual "I"s we are not some sort of hidden conspiratorial group plotting to bring down civilization or control the masses we want to find a common truth called the one truth or 1T in order to pull people together not push them apart or at least discuss/debate the merits of these findings openly.

I am sorry our posts are so long and all a lot to take in but I do hope you all can understand that 1T is not a ten word topic. DOG I WISH IT WAS! & I can assure you I so far am finding it nothing but grief with little relief of the pressure coming from the one's who have created these questions of late, all with my date of passing moving ever nearer I just want to share with you what these eyes have seen before it is to late to tell as my health is not well & my eyesight sadly failing.

Well I hope you all are not in fear of anything written here on & that you find happiness and joy in knowledge & life.

God be with you in times of doubt or troubles! if not I/we wish you peace of mind!
CIAO I1...

 mIChaeI GOrDOn OIDfIeId.
=  I C   1  G◎D   OO ID I I
or replace the L's that were turned in to I's & 1 gets
ID◎L G◎LD ID◎L (4 ANSWER IN FULL + EXPLANATION, C ALBUM SECTION/☮MMADAWN/i-say-i-say-i-say-i-say-in-answer4XXX4Acr⊕ss
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0+1(I1) Offline

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Posted: Sep. 02 2011, 01:43

Just to update you all on progress so far I have as yet had no reply from several of the European sources such as MENSA regarding knowledge of this type of encryption yet ever hopeful that someone will reply I will hold on a little while longer before having to rely upon a brave individual of British upbringing to step forward and remember his being taught such things at maybe Sunday school or in a pre school convent where I first heard of it.

ANYONE REMEMBER being shown/quizzed on these things at school possibly pre sixties era :-

When I was in my youth a teacher set us the puzzle, WHAT HAS HALF A WHEEL, 1 BOTTLE & 1 LEG? the answer was the word   [ Dog ]!.

I have also come across this riddle , what has no legs, 1 bottle & 2 separate halves of a wheel? = [COD].

There is also this version, what has in this case no legs, 1 bottle, no eyes (yet sees every thing) & two parts of a wheel? = [?X?]

The last two examples were taught to us in convent preschool classes by the nuns when we were about age 5.  

The answer was of course [ GOD ].
The hope that anyone will come forward to face the sort of barrage of ridicule that I have faced is for time alone to tell so I will now move on.

Ugo you say the lost version was not known as the lost demo, sorry I must point you to what it is called here on this site and that is "Ommadawn Lost Demo".  This is from the link tab to the written lyrics below where again it is also called LOST DEMO & not lost version, if when you enter this page you look to the right upper side you will note yet again it is called other than lost version, however this is a minor point not worth arguing over or nit picking at, so lets move onto more interesting things.

In the LOST DEMO LYRICS BELOW WE THINK WE HAVE SPOTTED A MINOR YET MAYBE SIGNIFICANT ERROR in that the word DOG is repeated not 2 times but on the version we are listening to it is repeated 3 times in one channel of the speakers & once in the other channel possibly making a total of four times but the weird thing is I think I hear the complete reversal of DOG in the other channel, now remember before getting all up tight some of you I SAY I THINK I MAY HEAR HERE the word in reverse.  I where I am do not have my hands on the best gear to properly analyze this so I am asking the rest of you to do so, if you have the know how.

You will need to be able to using high quality head phones, isolate using the balance feature LEFT-MIDDLE-RIGHT settings to break the stereo sound down into channels to be heard separately also you will need to, using EQ/equalisation of the frequencies around 1K drown out the instruments & if at all possible adjust the play back speed as well.

The three/4 repeats of the word dog can be easily heard in the version linked to in the earlier post here linked too & using purely the basic controls of any decent sound card should allow you to hear 3/4 repeats of the word dog no matter how RUFF RUFF RUFF it is! tat DA for now, HAPPY LISTENING & READING I1... ( I hear the sound of thunder rolling in! that's rough rough rough)  
Lost Demo

Mike 1
I say I say I say. Who's got the biggest nose you've ever seen?

Mike 2
I don't care about that. How big's his bottle?

Mike 1
Never mind about bottle. I've got much more important things on my mind.

Mike 2
Well have you? Tell about them.

Mike 1
Well I was walking down the road the other day and I saw a dog
Mike 2
Did you?

Mike 1
((("YEAH" not yes))) I saw a dog(((?"GOD"? in right channel))). I said to him "how are you feeling?"
((( why is he talking to a dog one may ask???)))
Mike 2
What did he say?

Mike 1
He said "Ruff Ruff Ruff"

Mike 2
I say I say I say I say

Mike 1
Whasat whasat whasat

Mike 2
Er, er, er erm, er ,er

Mike 1
Spit it out man. Spit it out. Whasat?

Mike 2
What's got, er, no legs and 5 eyes?

Mike 1
No legs and 5 eyes. I don't know. What's got no legs and 5 eyes.

Mike 2
err err

Mike 1
What's got no legs and 5 eyes?

Mike 1
Err err

Mike 2
What's got no legs and 5 eyes?

Mike 1
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear

Mike 2
What's got no legs and 5 eyes?

Mike 1
I say I say I say

Mike 2
Yes yes?

Mike 1
What's got 1 wheel, 2 legs and no eyes?

Mike 2
What's got no legs, 1 wheel. I don't know.

Mike 1
What's got no legs, 1 eye and 2 wheels

Mike 2
I say I say I say I say

Mike 1

Mike 2
What's got 1 leg, 3 wheels and no eyes?

Mike 1
I don't know. What has got no eyes, 3 wheels and 1 leg

Mike 2
Oh never mind that. I say I say I say I say. What's got 3 bottles and 5 eyes and no legs and 2 wheels.

Mike 1
Well I wouldn't know. What's got 5 wheels, 5 bottles, 3 legs and half a wheel?

Mike 2
Well I haven't a clue. I say I say I say

Mike 1

Mike 2
What's got 3.... Oh dear
Below is Ugo's post for ref only.
Quote (0 @ 1(I1)+Aug. 23 2011, 17:39)
Dear Milamber & Ugo
I can find no evidence that the so called lost version was completely lost to Mike, I was under the impression that it was only lost to us, that he possessed the demo version that was rejected by the powers to be at virgin.

The "Lost Version" was lost because the tapes got demagnetized (the oxide fell off them because of the very high number of overdubs) and Mike had to re-do it all again from scratch. There is ample documentation available in books and on the Web regarding this incident. And I think that Mike preferred not to re-record the so-called riddle because there wasn't any chance that he could re-record it exactly as it was, because the whole thing sounds very much like it's completely improvised and not like something which was written anywhere. Just my opinion, of course. ;)

I guess that the "Lost Version" which was issued on the Deluxe Edition came from an acetate - which is what the vinyl record you've seen on that photo probably is. In short, Mike had no need, in 2010, to re-record the so called riddle and he also had no need to remember it. He didn't need any amazing feats of memory. He simply listened to the acetate, then he thought, "Oh Gosh, this is so damn funny - I've got to release this!" And he just did. :) The piece was definitely not lost forever - this is not what I'm implying. The piece got lost in 1975 because the tapes got demagnetized, so Mike re-recorded it without the so-called riddle and that's the version we all know. But evidently someone preserved the first version (which is not a demo at all - it's the first version of Ommadawn Part One), and someone else (i.e. the people who took care of the Deluxe Edition) was lucky enough to find the medium (as I said, maybe it was an acetate) on which it was preserved, so now we can listen to Mike rambling away in 1975 in all of his silly glory. :D

I don't think that he was drunk at all while doing that. He was just having fun in the studio. And I'm positively, 100% sure that the speech was recorded in 1975, not in 2010. :p

 mIChaeI GOrDOn OIDfIeId.
=  I C   1  G◎D   OO ID I I
or replace the L's that were turned in to I's & 1 gets
ID◎L G◎LD ID◎L (4 ANSWER IN FULL + EXPLANATION, C ALBUM SECTION/☮MMADAWN/i-say-i-say-i-say-i-say-in-answer4XXX4Acr⊕ss
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nightspore Offline

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Posted: Sep. 02 2011, 03:05

The only riddle like that I was "taught" is: what has three eyes, 1 leg, and a belly-button?  :D

Wait, there's more: "A ball-bearing mouse trap in six letters"?
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Sir Mustapha Offline

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Posted: Sep. 02 2011, 10:26

Quote (nightspore @ Sep. 02 2011, 03:05)
The only riddle like that I was "taught" is: what has three eyes, 1 leg, and a belly-button?  :D

¶ I hope you're not OFfended, but my/our massive English upbr↑ng↑ng allows me/us to easily decode that riddle. If you l○○k closely, you'll see that "three eyes" clearly refers to the seQuence "i i i". It is obvious that it actually m3ans the number 3 in roman numbers ☼, and of course I am mentioning ®oman numbers here without any sensible justification because I SAY SO. ۞ Now with one leg, the riddle is obviously referring to the letter G, which of course makes no sense, but I'm sorry if my/our lack of sense offends you so much ᴥ but I hope you have a happy life in the future. As the "belly-button", it means the letter Q, and I'll explain, if you imagine the letter Q as a 3D objeCT and tilt it diagonally, you'll see the tip of the letter right in the center of the spHere, which forms a belly-button! Ѻ So, with my/our/their/Bob Marley's extremely accurate riddle-decoding, we see that the riddle decodes to 3QG, but wait! It is obvious from my English upbringing that when you prONounce the letter G, it sounds like "gee", ΘsoΘ, actually we're looking at the code 3Qee, or 3QI, and §THAT'S THE SOLUTION§. Now, 3QI is a measure of the intelligence of a person, but who would that person be? I/me/myself/youarewhatyouis ask this to get some collaboration from this forum's users, who I/we/us/FRIENDSHIP-IS-MAGIC am sure are absolutely good people and not eviL at aLL! What is being asked here is what 3QI means, and not whether that's the actual answer to the riddle, as my/our/anyone's/Obama's knowledge and skills are far beyond queStion. Ξ Ξ Ξ

Check out http://ferniecanto.com.br for all my music, including my latest albums: Don't Stay in the City, Making Amends and Builders of Worlds.
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nightspore Offline

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Posted: Sep. 02 2011, 19:17

I'm sure you know the answer to the riddle is "a traffic light"...  :/
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0+1(I1) Offline

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Posted: Sep. 02 2011, 19:52

Quote (nightspore @ Sep. 02 2011, 10:05)
The only riddle like that I was "taught" is: what has three eyes, 1 leg, and a belly-button?  :D

Wait, there's more: "A ball-bearing mouse trap in six letters"?

"OM" I have never come across that one before :(  lets see! (?1)
NOPE lets cross over to the next (?2) and see if I can shed light on that, terrific, impressive, no buttons lighting for me so far not a clue.

"OM" STILL NOPE catastrophe maybe tomorrow I can reverse it!.

Speaking of rodents I think a mouse trap is rather a inhumane way of dealing with the problem but it certainly worked in catching its first dumb critter here, my male cat is very effective he has the OO's to even deal with ferrets & weasels a rat is no match for him being a "tomcat".

Well I hope tomorrow the lights will come on in one but for now children remember your green cross code!!! At "traffic lights" press the button & wait for the green light, then cross looking right left & RIGHT AGAIN! & never trust a green man when he is flashing :laugh:

 mIChaeI GOrDOn OIDfIeId.
=  I C   1  G◎D   OO ID I I
or replace the L's that were turned in to I's & 1 gets
ID◎L G◎LD ID◎L (4 ANSWER IN FULL + EXPLANATION, C ALBUM SECTION/☮MMADAWN/i-say-i-say-i-say-i-say-in-answer4XXX4Acr⊕ss
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0+1(I1) Offline

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Posted: Sep. 02 2011, 19:57

Nightspore you stuck it up whilst I was replying!!!. :/  :(

 mIChaeI GOrDOn OIDfIeId.
=  I C   1  G◎D   OO ID I I
or replace the L's that were turned in to I's & 1 gets
ID◎L G◎LD ID◎L (4 ANSWER IN FULL + EXPLANATION, C ALBUM SECTION/☮MMADAWN/i-say-i-say-i-say-i-say-in-answer4XXX4Acr⊕ss
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nightspore Offline

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Posted: Sep. 02 2011, 20:59

Quote (0+1(I1) @ Sep. 02 2011, 19:57)
Nightspore you stuck it up whilst I was replying!!!. :/  :(

Great minds think alike, I1.  :)
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Milamber Offline

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Posted: Sep. 03 2011, 05:45

Where's my Ploppy son of Ploppy clip when I need it :laugh:
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nightspore Offline

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Posted: Sep. 03 2011, 06:51

Quote (Milamber @ Sep. 03 2011, 05:45)
Where's my Ploppy son of Ploppy clip when I need it :laugh:

:laugh: Your little Pumpkiny-Wumpkiny has it, Milamber  :p
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0+1(I1) Offline

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Posted: Sep. 03 2011, 16:51

Somewhat off topic but a little light relief is by now well & truly deserved in these days of light + shade.

HERE IT IS MILAMBER (part 1 of 1+3) OLD BEAN :laugh: (=sum of beans 4 you sun beam).


 mIChaeI GOrDOn OIDfIeId.
=  I C   1  G◎D   OO ID I I
or replace the L's that were turned in to I's & 1 gets
ID◎L G◎LD ID◎L (4 ANSWER IN FULL + EXPLANATION, C ALBUM SECTION/☮MMADAWN/i-say-i-say-i-say-i-say-in-answer4XXX4Acr⊕ss
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0+1(I1) Offline

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Posted: Sep. 05 2011, 01:51

Dear readers,
The following is a copy of what I/we have sent out in order to try and get verification on the possible validity of our proposed answer to this riddle.  Please note due to the message length I have had to separate it into two parts in order to post it here.


subject: Fw: I am looking for someone who has vast knowledge in the field of riddle breaking! ( THIS IS A COPY OF THE LETTER I HAVE BEEN SENDING OUT TO WORLD AUTHORITIES ON RIDDLE BREAKING) [FINAL WORDING (please could you give me your opinion)].


I have come upon a riddle in the form of an I say, I say, I say type riddle & I believe I have uncovered it's answer.

The problem I have got is that I am finding it impossible to convince others who are not native to the British Isles that my answer is correct as it requires a knowledge of word games that was only taught by a few parents & teachers back when I was young some 45 years ago & I can find no information on its use in word games/riddles or puzzles on the internet.

Thus I am hoping you or via your links to the higher echelons of the puzzling world will help me to debate this issue.

When I was in my youth a teacher set us the puzzle, WHAT HAS HALF A WHEEL, 1 BOTTLE & 1 LEG? the answer was the word Dog.

I have also come across this riddle , what has no legs, 1 bottle & 2 separate halves of a wheel? = COD.

There is also this version, what has in this case no legs, 1 bottle, no eyes (yet sees every thing) & two parts of a wheel? = ?X?

The last two examples were taught to us in convent preschool classes by the nuns when we were about age 5.  

However this particular type of word play only seems to be known to myself and two others on the forum & thus the thousands of others there where I have posted my answer are ridiculing it.

Now onto the riddle as placed below I need to come up with evidence to back up my proposed answer i.e. a authority on this sort of puzzle to say the answer is most probable to be right or at least the logic is sound, or an ability to point the doubting people to some authoritative source in order to validate my answer i.e. this type of use of encoding is known to have been used by others.

BELOW IS THE RIDDLE (sorry it's rather long).


Lost Demo

[1] Mike A
I say I say I say. Who's got the biggest nose you've ever seen?

[2] Mike B
I don't care about that. How big's his bottle?

[3] Mike A
Never mind about bottle. I've got much more important things on my mind.

[4] Mike B
Well have you? Tell about them.

[5] Mike A
Well I was walking down the road the other day and I saw a dog

[6] Mike B
Did you?

[7] Mike A
Yes I saw a dog. I said to him "how are you feeling?"

[8] Mike B
What did he say?

[9] Mike A
He said "Ruff Ruff Ruff"

[10] Mike B
I say I say I say I say

[11] Mike A
Whasat whasat whasat

[12] Mike B
Er, er, er erm, er ,er

[13] Mike A
Spit it out man. Spit it out. Whasat?

[14] Mike B
What's got, er, no legs and 5 eyes?

[15] Mike A
No legs and 5 eyes. I don't know. What's got no legs and 5 eyes.

[16] Mike B
err err

[17] Mike A
What's got no legs and 5 eyes?

[18] Mike A
Err err

[19] Mike B
What's got no legs and 5 eyes?

[20] Mike A
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear

[21] Mike B
What's got no legs and 5 eyes?

[22] Mike A
I say I say I say

[23] Mike B
Yes yes?

[24] Mike A
What's got 1 wheel, 2 legs and no eyes?

[25] Mike B
What's got no legs, 1 wheel. I don't know.

[26] Mike A
What's got no legs, 1 eye and 2 wheels

[27] Mike B
I say I say I say I say

[28] Mike A

[29] Mike B
What's got 1 leg, 3 wheels and no eyes?

[30] Mike A
I don't know. What has got no eyes, 3 wheels and 1 leg

[31] Mike B
Oh never mind that. I say I say I say I say. What's got 3 bottles and 5 eyes and no legs and 2 wheels.

[32] Mike A
Well I wouldn't know. What's got 5 wheels, 5 bottles, 3 legs and half a wheel?

[33] Mike B
Well I haven't a clue. I say I say I say

[34] Mike A

[35] Mike B
What's got 3.... Oh dear



 mIChaeI GOrDOn OIDfIeId.
=  I C   1  G◎D   OO ID I I
or replace the L's that were turned in to I's & 1 gets
ID◎L G◎LD ID◎L (4 ANSWER IN FULL + EXPLANATION, C ALBUM SECTION/☮MMADAWN/i-say-i-say-i-say-i-say-in-answer4XXX4Acr⊕ss
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0+1(I1) Offline

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Posted: Sep. 05 2011, 01:53


The author of this riddles name is Michael Gordon Oldfield.

You may know of this person he is the world famous musician responsible for the 1973 production of Tubular bells amongst many other albums & if you do know of his works you may also know that he is very mystical & spiritual, in fact one of his later albums was named Heavens Open. This particular riddle was originally included on a demo version for an album released in 1975 called Ommadawn but it was replaced with a different set of lyrics back then & was only released last year in a reworking of the album.

Now the answer to this riddle that I have come up with is below but if you should like to have a go at solving it for your self prior to reading my answer then all you need to know is here above.

This is an explanation of how I arrived at the answer below & the problems I have faced in trying to explain its interpretation to people whose first language is not English.

First, one must understand that the words EYE & I both have exactly the same sound when spoken in the English language & hence 5 eyes could mean I I I I I.

Second, an "I" could also be visually taken as an "L" as written in lower case "l" especially lF the font lS one that does not pIace an foot & a cap on the I as this one does.

Third, an "O" could be thought to be the shape of a bottle when looked at end on.

Fourth, a wheel is a circle with at least one strut/spoke across its centre in order to form a central position for a hub for an axle & hence a wheel can be made using the capital letters C + D or G +D.

Fifth, a letter can be thought to have a leg if it has a part that falls below the line as does g-j-p-q-y, Yet ONLY in lower case!.

Now take the above and apply it to line [31] and this tells you that you are looking for words relative to the creator of the riddle that contain

3x OOO + 2x DD + 1or2 C/C + 1or2 G/G or 1 of each & because we are told the thinG has no leGs it points loGically towards a G in capital form as in a name! now we are told this thing has five "I"'s or THlNGS that Iook/sound LlKE "I"'s in EngIish this could mean I l l I l for lnstance I L L I L so we need to find these also in words/names associated with the author of the piece Michael Gordon Oldfield.

WeII there it is mIChaeI GOrDOn OIDfIeId.


Now the letter/word "I" is fully interchangeable with the word one in the aristocratic circles of the upper classes in Britain & in other languages it also means one (or 1 is as I ) & the letter C has the same vocal sound as the word see, so the above could be read by a English speaking person to read "I see one GOD OO ID I I".

This is one hell of a coincidence in its making any sense at all yet I will elaborate on the end part OO ID I I, this can be understood to mean the three parts of of a sentient mInD in the middle is the "id"/ID on the left is the EGO the "I" "I" or the two sides of ones personality( remembering here that Mike chose to recite both parts himself as if with a split personality), GOOD/BAD & to the right is the invisible 0+0 (or ◎ as in a torus) of GOD. Now I know this all seems strange especially to one who knows little about this man but there is more to come, so please bear with me for a while longer.

Now to further back up this finding we can move onto the next line [32] and derive that it points to the name we found above but gives us the clue/acknowledgement that there was indeed a unused D/half wheel left over.

Then onto the last line [35] where further confirmation arrives as to the fact that we have found the right answer in that this man must have, from an early age noticed that his surname contains two words OLD & FIELD but on further investigation of his full name you will notice it contains the letters required to write this word 3 times as in OLD OLD OLD & hence the OH DEAR.

Now back to the line where I derived I C 1 GOD OO ID I I from, here there is a further strange out come, if you replace the L L L we turned into "I"'s in order to crack the riddle you take out the C & add the left over half a wheel D you get IDOL GOLD IDOL, for this to make sense one would need a deep knowledge of Mike's works in that his later album Amarok has a story line attached to it where two friends set off on a quest to find a golden statue/idol in a hole and Mike planed to call this album Ommadawn  2, plus he loves the number 3 including it or its number in multiples i.e. 3 doves, 3 moons etc etc in allot of his artwork. and the number that comes from the above is 3 as in 3 words all containing 4 letters = 3x4=12 & 1+2=3.

Back in the first lines of this riddle we were given clues to GOD being a part of the answer by Mikes two split personalities (as Mike performs both parts of the piece himself hence Mike A&B) when he talks about who has the biggest nose and brings in the mentioning of a dog & the size of his bottle these I believe are references to GOD, as God is the reversal of dog & GOD has O at the heart of its spelling & is the hOly of hOly of the trinity of the letters which to =3 & as the power of GOD is thought to be OMNI present this implies GOD must be all KNOWING hence God has the biggest Knows, this is a play on words! because in English nose and knows are again an example of 2 words that have the same sound when vocalized.  Plus we now find the word god is repeated 3 times in the riddle not twice = 3x3x3.

Well there you have it, I hope my conclusion fits with yours, if you need any further assistance please feel at ease to ask.

I now would like to thank you for your time in reading this and I also hope you find it fascinating as I have.

Yours gratefully

Liam Ioan O'neaI = I1

(PS, we are a group called the "I"'s as in mInDs eye & are setting out on a quest to find the truth behind mysteries).

 mIChaeI GOrDOn OIDfIeId.
=  I C   1  G◎D   OO ID I I
or replace the L's that were turned in to I's & 1 gets
ID◎L G◎LD ID◎L (4 ANSWER IN FULL + EXPLANATION, C ALBUM SECTION/☮MMADAWN/i-say-i-say-i-say-i-say-in-answer4XXX4Acr⊕ss
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Ugo Offline

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Posted: Sep. 05 2011, 06:26


Ugo C. - a devoted Amarokian
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Sir Mustapha Offline

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Posted: Sep. 05 2011, 09:26

Honestly, if that person is not a troll, then he's schizophrenic. I think it's wisest to completely abandon this discussion.

Check out http://ferniecanto.com.br for all my music, including my latest albums: Don't Stay in the City, Making Amends and Builders of Worlds.
Also check my Bandcamp page: http://ferniecanto.bandcamp.com
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Milamber Offline

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Posted: Sep. 06 2011, 10:04

For Ugo and Sir M ...and I1  :D
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Ugo Offline

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Posted: Sep. 06 2011, 17:50

@ Milamber: if I didn't know you, and if I were Neil Tennant, I'd say that the video above is nothing but shameless self-promotion. :laugh: :laugh: But I won't say that, and instead I shall say that the music is great. Where is ii from? [Apart from the bubbling "Moonwatch" synth, of course! :)]

And while I'm still at it, let me post this as well:


This style of cartoon drawing used to be hugely popular in Italy (and not only) during the whole of the Seventies.

Ugo C. - a devoted Amarokian
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Milamber Offline

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Posted: Sep. 07 2011, 02:02

Where is it from

Ugo Have you never heard Excalibur from the Early Millennium Bell acetate????????????  :(

If not PM me post haste  :laugh:  :)
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nightspore Offline

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Posted: Sep. 07 2011, 07:03

It occurred to me that Abba's "I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do" could be considered to be the solution to a similar riddle, if anyone can come up with one!
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