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Topic: Communities at mikeoldfield.com< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Olivier Offline

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Posted: July 25 2002, 09:38

A Communities sections with web forums has been added to mikeoldfield.com.
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Tr3s Lunas Offline

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Posted: July 25 2002, 13:15

New agers are just like hippies but with a Mercedes-Benz S-Class with a chofer waiting in the garage.

Simply pathetic.

...do it for the kids!!!
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TOBY Offline

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Posted: July 25 2002, 13:58

Yup its all certainly a bit hard to swallow but each to their own I suppose its a free world after all.

ps Please note how hard I'm trying not to be cynical.
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Fox Offline

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Posted: July 27 2002, 16:36

What does this have to do with TL???  Whose idea was this, and what does it have to do with MO!?
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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: July 27 2002, 18:16

I assume the link to Music VR is that it's rooted in Mike's spirituality (with things like the concept of karma and his ideas of lucid dreaming)...maybe it doesn't feel spiritual to everyone who plays it, but it obviously does to Mike.

What it has to do with Mike is, I assume, that it's something which interests him.
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Ginger Daddy Offline

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Posted: July 29 2002, 11:03


I just say "Each to their own" in this case. Personally I think that the topics on there just invite debate and, due to the ethereal nature of the topics, will probably deteriorate into an argument along the lines of "I'm right and you're wrong and you can't prove it".

I won't be posting because I'm too thick although if I'm wrong, and it doesn't deteriorate, I'll probably keep reading them.



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TOBY Offline

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Posted: July 29 2002, 17:40

It does seem to be fairly open but you're right it is a never ending debate. What is interesting to see is just how many Mike Oldfield fans are out and out new-agers (not many I reckon) I guess , however, there is a difference between being 'spiritualy' aware in some ways and being naffly new-aged in others
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Posted: July 30 2002, 00:00

Whoa! That just the word "spirituality" can get these
of responses is kind of revealing. Spiritualism in itself
encourages people to be open-minded. N'uff said.
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Tati The Sentinel Offline

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Posted: Aug. 18 2002, 20:38

The Communities section are closed now...what happened??
I want it BACK!!!

"But it's always the outsider, the black sheep, that becomes the blockbuster." - Mike Oldfield, 2014

"I remember feeling that I'd been judged unfairly and that I was going to prove them wrong." - Peter Davison, 2011
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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: Aug. 18 2002, 22:43

They're up and working fine now. Perhaps it was just a temporary thing.
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Mige Iranzo Offline

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Posted: Sep. 13 2002, 10:33


Learn your Alphabet with Music VR? (yuk!;)

ßøîñG ßøøM T§¢Hãk
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