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Ray Offline

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Posted: Mar. 11 2008, 16:59

Yes especiually if your face looks like you avtar MITR !!   Ha Ha Ha!!!

Ray  :D

Looking out over the harbour in Peel.......
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manintherain Offline

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Posted: Mar. 11 2008, 17:16

Yo, brother!

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Inkanta Offline

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Posted: Mar. 11 2008, 17:24

Quote (Markus K. @ Mar. 11 2008, 14:03)
Okay...which one of you has a restraining order and what did you do to get it?  :D

Sorry...  ;)

<OK....fesses up.....>

A few years ago Korg and I had some ideas that we wanted to share with Mike. We thought about it for a very long time--at least  20 minutes--and decided the best way to tell him was to camp out on his back doorstep before the crack of dawn and wait for the morning milk to be brought in. He was rather annoyed when he found us with the milk. Heh--it's not like we drank any. Instead of taking our brilliant ideas, he threatened to summon the police--or was it Richard Branson??--anyway--he did come to associate fans with back doors--which is how we ended up at the entrance we ended up at the other evening.

Oh....maybe that was just a dream. <makes note not to drink milk before bedtime while chatting with Korg and listening to MO music>    :p

"No such thing as destiny; only choices exist." From:  Moongarden's "Solaris."
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TOBY Offline

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Posted: Mar. 11 2008, 17:43

Quote (Tati The Sentinel @ Mar. 11 2008, 16:24)
Santi on this email said that it was Mike's choice to put the fans outside his viewing.

I sincerely hope there's no truth in that whatsoever otherwise its unbelievably pathetic and as Man in the Rain says there is no imaginable excuse.

I'm not sure i do believe it though because how would Mike know a fan from a journalist or any other guest? From his point of view he's just confronted by huge mass of faces why would it make any difference to him who he was looking at? He wouldn't know unless some fans who went had 'I'm a MO fan' tattooed across their forehead. Maybe that was what he was scared of  :/
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manintherain Offline

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Posted: Mar. 11 2008, 17:48

Maybe the record company talked to him about that topic?

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Inkanta Offline

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Posted: Mar. 11 2008, 17:59

Quote (Tati The Sentinel @ Mar. 11 2008, 15:24)
Santi on this email said that it was Mike's choice to put the fans outside his viewing.For me,it seems that Mike wanted to shield himself,a protection,to make him a bit more confident.I also feel that he was forced to do the premiere at this stage,since it had been postponed before,and Universal did want to promote MOTS strong enough because they believe in the final product.

Ironically, we were not outside his view--sort of right in front of him--at least some of us. The best way to have placed us out of his sight would have been to integrate us with the journalists.

Toby-he'd only have known who we were by where we were standing.

"No such thing as destiny; only choices exist." From:  Moongarden's "Solaris."
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Ray Offline

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Posted: Mar. 11 2008, 17:59

Ladies and Gents..... just look in the other thread about Mad things you do that prove you are a fan.  

I think Mr Oldfield has been reading it and said "No way do I want any of those nutters anywhere near me"

He also says in The Book, that he hates 'quivering idiots'.  He cant understanbd fans because he is so single minded that he does not think like a fan.  I don't wish to shatter any illusions but the Fan thing is all one way.  Having several hundered or even several thousend people interested in every aspect of your life is spooky.  It would freak me out.  I found it very strange that someone ask me to sign a book I had written - it is a technical manual, not even a novel - I signed it and made a mental note to avoid that person.  Getting asked is different from offering.

I also think the music is made for him not really for any one else  - but selling it gives a nice life thank you very much.

R  :cool:

Looking out over the harbour in Peel.......
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Olivier Offline

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Posted: Mar. 11 2008, 19:21

It seems he wants to be popular. In my opinion, this even negatively alters his creativity. So it's pretty complex, he'd want to reach lot of people with his music but not see them, just talk to them via his music, and not expecting and not wanting a response. I think I'm beginning to understand actually.
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BTH Offline

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Posted: Mar. 11 2008, 22:06

Well, I'm finally back in Ireland after a really fantastic experience in Spain of which the Guggenheim concert was, of course, the absolute highlight! I had a crazy time of it - expensive flights, epic train journeys and wandering (limping!)the streets of Bilbao in the rain at strange hours of the morning... All good fun!

Well unfortunately I arrived in Bilbao pretty late in the day and my one regret about the experience is that I didn't get there early enough to have lunch with the gang and get to chat to everyone properly. Things were a bit of a whirl immediately before, during and after the concert. It was all a little bit stressful - My foot was killing me all day as I broke two of my toes a couple of days beforehand (don't ask!). When I first met the Tubular Net gang I was in the museum and had to dramatically limp up an extremely grand flight of stairs to where they were waiting - I'd say it looked hilarious! Apart from that minor inconvenience there were a few other downers, from not really knowing what was happening (as in whether we were actually going to get in or not!) before the concert then the little bit of disappointment at where we got to watch the performance from and then the absolutely shameful way we were hustled out of the place as soon as the last applause died down. I was pretty pissed off at that stage and the post-concert drinks turned into a little bit of a post mortem (when we eventually found a bar big enough to hold us all!!). After a few beers though things soon livened up! I owe a few people drinks as beer just kept magically materializing in front of me!

Those are the negatives out of the way and really as far as I'm concerned they were pretty minor blips on what was a really glorious experience for me. Seeing the Guggenheim in the flesh was breathtaking and whilst not an acoustically suitable venue for such a concert, the setting was pretty incredible and very dignified. I was lucky enough to be near the front and on the left of the fan group so got a pretty good view of Mike, Hayley and the string section. To be honest though, I was so blown away by the music that I had my eyes closed for most of the concert.

I thought that the sound was generally spot on with a few minor problems that I'd blame on the acoustics of the venue. Percussion was the worst offender as with the massive reverb times the kettle drums and particularly the tubular bells always sounded late - our position off to the side and with a large chunk of orchestra and choir blocked by a massive stone pillar really means that any assessment I could make about the sound is meaningless. I'd say it sounded completely different to the "official" audience sitting in front. However whatever sound that reached my ears was pretty incredible.

I noticed that the choir was used a lot more than on the recorded version I've been listening to - particularly on Harbinger, giving it a more complex and textured feel. Conversely the choir was more subdued on Shabda which I felt more successful than the rather strident voices on the record. The Tempest was truly truly mindblowing and one piece where Mike's guitar work shone as it had more space to breathe. I personally feel that The Tempest is the finest piece on the record, the most adventurous, dynamic and innovative and it sounded that way in the Guggenheim - truly spine tingling when those massive waves of brass came crashing in at the end. In fact the trio of Tempest, Harbinger Reprise and particularly On My heart were for me the absolute high point of the concert - very powerfully emotional and brilliantly played - everyone seemed to find their stride at this point. And Hayley Westernra's voice - the word "celestial" was invented for her. Even more beautiful and emotional live, the way the choir integrated - again a little more subtle than on the record - I was very close to tears to be honest (or maybe my foot was just really really starting to hurt!  :p  ).

The second half flowed beautifully - Aurora, whilst not my favourite section, sounded brilliant in the festive setting and set a very buoyant mood. Prophecy was beautiful - the pianist throughout was excellent as was the harpist. Harmonia Mundi maybe suffered a little bit from Mike's slightly hesitant guitar playing - I cant be sure though until I hear a proper recording. Throughout we really werent hearing the "real" sound and the guitar was particularly badly lost. However Harmonia Mundi is so subtle and beautiful that every little rough sound or bum note came through very obviously. Empyrean - wow! Again that brass sound in the space was overwhelming. Here though the percussion just sounded a little bit off - the acoustics again. Then to musica Universalis - basically the orchestra and choir absolutely nailed it. It sounded absolutely amazing from start to finish - Mike's guitar part was a tiny bit rough (was he having trouble with a broken string or something?) but that was more than made up for by everything else coming together beautifully. Just like on the record, the moment when the choir comes in... amazing... all too short tho! Then the big build up to the finale sounded amazing as did the little piano reprise... Then the roof was almost lifted off the place by the final crescendo.

The assembled (seated) audience literally jumped to their feet and gave what I thought was a genuine and heartfelt ovation - a good four or five minutes of applause (these classical conductors really know how to milk it!). From what i could see Mike's exit was a bit jokey - he was clearly deferring completely to the orchestra and sort of refusing to take the big bow as the conductor was encouraging him to. then the slinging the guitar case over his shoulder and striding out - a little moment of theatre really! i thought he looked very satisfied and not a little bit over-awed by the positive reaction and probably by how good it all sounded.

I guess at that stage I was still sort of imagining that we'd be invited in to mingle a bit, maybe even be offered a drink (there was a very impressive looking bar set up tantalizingly on the other side of the room!). After all we'd all shown up on time, we'd been utterly respectful, we hadn't complained about the pretty shabby treatment we'd received up until then, we'd been completely not the disruptive "freaky fans" that I'm sure universal (and possibly Mike) feared we may be. I don't know, it really wouldnt have been much hassle for them to even provide a space for us to chill for a bit. Instead literally as soon as Mike walked offstage a huge and very very ignorant security man almost literally started pushing us out the door. The lack of any form of respect we were shown at this point infuriated me but there was absolutely nothing I could do except be herded out into the rain.

So that wasn't nice. But I can't let it diminish the overriding fact that it was an absolute privelege and honour to be there at all, that the music sounded amazing and most of all convincing in a live classical context, and that I feel that this should prove to Mike that touring the album by using local orchestras and choirs (and a bit more rehearsal time!) could be incredibly artistically and commercially successful. I'm just dreaming about seeing and hearing a repeat of this performance somewhere like the Berlin Philharmonie or the Royal Festival Hall in London. I see no reason why it couldn't happen!

As to the experience of meeting the rest of the Tubular Ten? A nicer bunch you couldnt hope for! And the few of the German crew including Harry seemed really lovely too. I only really got chatting properly to Clotty, Rume and Inkanta as my time was so short but I definitely think an expanded reunion could be on the cards sometime - I really like that Hergest Ridge suggestion!! I'd be great to get a chance to meet everyone again under somewhat less stressful circumstances - Rich & Tim - you were doing a brilliant job but I could see that you guys were pretty annoyed at how things panned out with Universal and I hope it didn't reduce your enjoyment of the the whole occasion!

Anyway, thats my report! Thankfully my toes are feeling much better even after spending the last three days tramping through the amazing Art Galleries of Madrid. I'll never forget my Bilbao experience and I've a strong feeling that Ill look back and realize that I've been a small part of history being made - the Premiere of what I believe could be one of Mike's most successful records and live shows...

Roll on Friday! (we get new releases early here in Ireland!!) and it'll be a VERY happy St Patrick's day for the rest of you I hope!


Tá mé an amadán ag cheoil...
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BTH Offline

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Posted: Mar. 11 2008, 22:18

Quote (clotty @ Mar. 11 2008, 12:43)
Yeah, it seems that Mike himself forced the organisers to keep the fans aside in a place where he couldn't see them... or the gig would never happened.

I find this really impossible to believe - as Inkanta says we were actually completely in his line of sight whilst he was performing. Ok, some form of acknowlegement from him that we were even there would have been nice but we all know and love Mike for who he is - and sometimes he can be a bit prickly as we all know!
I have to say, I wonder what the assembled media and the "official" crowd thought of the whole situation - this forlorn looking bunch herded in a corner only to be booted out at the end! It must have looked very strange to them...

Tá mé an amadán ag cheoil...
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Taynie Offline

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Posted: Mar. 12 2008, 01:00

Enjoyed reading your review B, the music was obviously pretty brilliant. I suspected that Mike's exit from the stage would be in deference to the orchestra.

I hope he does a repeat in London.
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Sweetpea Offline

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Posted: Mar. 12 2008, 02:53

You guys have done great work in delivering detailed and entertaining descriptions of the Bilbao events. And to think, BTH managed it all while being hobbled by an injury! This story's got everything - adventure, humor, intrigue, pathos, tragedy, mystery (just how did BTH break his toes?)... it only lacks romance. Unless you all are keeping some secrets? 'What happens in Bilbao, stays in Bilbao', hmm??

Quote (BTH @ Mar. 11 2008, 22:06)
I feel that this should prove to Mike that touring the album by using local orchestras and choirs (and a bit more rehearsal time!) could be incredibly artistically and commercially successful. I'm just dreaming about seeing and hearing a repeat of this performance somewhere like the Berlin Philharmonie or the Royal Festival Hall in London. I see no reason why it couldn't happen!

The idea of possibly being able to hear this performed live by The Seattle Symphony Orchestra - even without MO - is very attractive because MOTS is simply a beautiful work regardless, I think, of who the soloists might be.

"I'm no physicist, but technically couldn't Mike both be with the horse and be flying through space at the same time? (On account of the earth's orbit around the Sun and all that). So it seems he never had to make the choice after all. I bet he's kicking himself now." - clotty
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Susanakin Offline

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Posted: Mar. 12 2008, 18:08

Hello. I´m already at home ( I was out for 3 days after the concert ). All I can say now is THANK YOU. Thanks to all of you in tubular.net for this opportunity to be in Mike´s concert in Bilbao. After the performance, I was disappointed because of the way they treated us and because of the lack of view; I couldn´t see Mike, just only when he came into the stage and when he went out. I can even say that I was feeling a little bit sad. Sad because this man, who can create such a beauty with his music, is so inaccesible. And yes, Tati´s right : it was Mike himself who wanted us out of his view (I´ve been talking with Santi this evening).
Anyway, I would go again if I had the chance. It was nice to be there, with all these mixed feelings inside and listening to such a beautiful music. And Hayley´s voice was so emotive, crystal clear, so nice...Oh, if you go to www.mikeoldfieldblog.com, you can see some photos of Mike in the Guggenheim and a photo of Hayley with some of the spanish group.
It was nice to meet you all. Thank you for being there.
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ORIONs Offline

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Posted: Mar. 12 2008, 19:06

Hello to all fans!!

I'm Diego from Spain (orions) www.titomikeweb.com remember?  ;). I was in Bilbao Friday and Saturday and I knew German and English fans in the Guggenheim. I was with Yannick.

I want to send regards to all the fans that stayed in Bilbao.

In a few days I'll publish the photos in the web.

Regards to all people!!  (especially to the German girl that was crying. Her tears were those of all.)
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Inkanta Offline

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Posted: Mar. 12 2008, 19:50

Quote (Sweetpea @ Mar. 12 2008, 01:53)
Quote (BTH @ Mar. 11 2008, 22:06)
I feel that this should prove to Mike that touring the album by using local orchestras and choirs (and a bit more rehearsal time!;) could be incredibly artistically and commercially successful. I'm just dreaming about seeing and hearing a repeat of this performance somewhere like the Berlin Philharmonie or the Royal Festival Hall in London. I see no reason why it couldn't happen!

The idea of possibly being able to hear this performed live by The Seattle Symphony Orchestra - even without MO - is very attractive because MOTS is simply a beautiful work regardless, I think, of who the soloists might be.

Wow--great minds think alike! I was wondering this afternoon, while driving and daydreaming how nice it would be to hear this played live again. Actually, if Mike used local orchestras, wouldn't he save a lot of expense--could basically just pack a guitar? <-:  Or, have other guest guitarists and vocalists, too, like Sweetpea suggests. As any good score, the composition should transcend time, let alone place--perhaps 300 years hence, an orchestra will be performing it on a different sphere than the one we call home.

I wonder, too, how an orchestra obtains the music. I have ties to two orchestras--have to see the manager of one tonight because she is also the local Girl Scout cookie chair and money is due. :D I'll see what I can find out. I was also thinking of having a small listening party when MotS arrives. :)

"No such thing as destiny; only choices exist." From:  Moongarden's "Solaris."
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yanouch65 Offline

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Posted: Mar. 13 2008, 16:03

Quote (ORIONs @ Mar. 13 2008, 01:06)
Hello to all fans!!

I'm Diego from Spain (orions) www.titomikeweb.com remember?  ;). I was in Bilbao Friday and Saturday and I knew German and English fans in the Guggenheim. I was with Yannick.

I want to send regards to all the fans that stayed in Bilbao.

In a few days I'll publish the photos in the web.

Regards to all people!!  (especially to the German girl that was crying. Her tears were those of all.)

Thank you Orions

I would like to thank you Killing-bell from Portugalete for helping me in Bilbao.

Spanish fans have been very kind with me and it was a pleasure to see them again in Spain, after NOTP in 2007.

Regards from Switzerland


Ray said : "it is a shame you don't play"

manintherain said: "You´d better ask Mr. Y who was first"

yanouch65 says: "I am in love with Scotland"
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manintherain Offline

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Posted: Mar. 13 2008, 16:53

And I would like to thank our Spanish friends as well. I had a tremendous time in meeting and talking to you all.

Made my trip really worth while.

Muchas gracias, amigos!

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clotty Offline

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Posted: Mar. 14 2008, 03:56

I'm Diego from Spain (orions) www.titomikeweb.com remember?

Who could forget you? Your website url is written on every serviette in the Guggenheim Museum cafeteria.  :D

Nice to have met you Diego.

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ORIONs Offline

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Posted: Mar. 14 2008, 15:46

Quote (clotty @ Mar. 14 2008, 03:56)
I'm Diego from Spain (orions) www.titomikeweb.com remember?

Who could forget you? Your website url is written on every serviette in the Guggenheim Museum cafeteria.  :D

Nice to have met you Diego.

jajajaja it's true clotty  ;)

All fans can view the photos in my web yet.

Regards!  :)
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Burning Fish Offline

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Posted: Mar. 23 2008, 17:39


Is it The Tubular Ten standing on the scaffolding there? :)

"Lemon curry?"
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