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Statistics and Personal Information for TubularBelle
Birthday Date 11 July 1960 (64)
Registration Date April 08 2004, 12:13
This member's number 1296
Last Profile Update May 09 2006, 05:02
Last login date: Nov. 14 2015, 00:57
Last Post TubularBelle last posted in Other artists in Most Embarrassing CD in Your Collection on Aug. 29 2009, 23:33
Total Posts 1487
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This Member's Gender Female
Post Average 0.20 posts per day
Member Level No Information Entered
Interests Mike Oldfield, Music, have over 400 cds from Gershwin to Tool, collect Porcelain Dolls, Movies, Dancing, Socialising, Family, meeting new friends, talking on the net, photography, animals, nature, bushwalking.
Location Belair, South Australia
This member's real name Tracy Joy Aplin
Signature I hate getting up early. I didn't even realise there were two 6 o'clocks in one day!
Home Page No Information Entered
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MSN Identity TubularBelle
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