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Topic: www.mikeoldfield.de< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Olivier Offline

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Posted: May 30 2002, 13:05

www.mikeoldfield.de is the official German Mike Oldfield website. There is also an updated Mike Oldfield section at wea.de.
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Blue Dolphin Offline

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Posted: May 30 2002, 13:28

What's this? German official Mike Oldfield site? Cool smile I see it goes out from Warner Music...

I only think the lay-out is a bit "non Mike"... I don't know... don't really like it.

-The mark of a good musician is to play one note and mean it-

Mike Oldfield - 1980
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Tr3s Lunas Offline

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Posted: May 30 2002, 14:49

mmm, I think is cool, and the audio excerpts are better than the other ones.

...do it for the kids!!!
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Posted: May 30 2002, 14:51

And I don`t like the text :-). They present Mikes whole music as new age and it`s all very "un-mikey". But the page is still under construction, so let`s wait...
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xnuevo Offline

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Posted: May 30 2002, 23:08

es una página muy buena, sobretodo por el diseño que tiene...

por cierto.. alguien me podría informar cuando llega el Tres Lunas a America, México.

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mirwais57 Offline

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Posted: May 31 2002, 01:16

pity i can't read it. the picture of mike looks really weird. i don't know why but it makes him look ugly. at first i thought it was a drawing but it isn't.


NB: Avatar = Mirwais himself.
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Allan_N Offline

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Posted: May 31 2002, 07:38

Perhaps more DJ *whatever* than Mike Oldfield, but it's still the *only* MO site (apart from Tubular.net) that looks like a professional web designer did it and not somebody's little brother.

Btw, I looked at the photos...he looks a bit ill, doesn't he?
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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: May 31 2002, 19:23

The little 'moons' that float across the little banner at the top are a bit surreal...but then, so is Music VR.

The lighting in some of the pictures doesn't do Mike many favours, in my view - that one of him in front of the conifer tree seems particularly white and harsh...looks like they've filled out the shadows with a bit of fill in flash, and it does tend to have a certain look that I don't personally go in for (but it doesn't bother many photographers, so who am I to say?). I think it suits him better when the light is a bit warmer (actually, a quick play with the colour balance of the pictures improves on the problems a lot - the trouble may simply be in the way the pictures were scanned).
It also looks a bit like he's wearing a bath robe...

On design, I personally feel that there are a number which are nicely designed (again, aside from tubular.net) - a couple are ones I don't visit regularly, so I don't remember them to name them, but as one I can name, I think mikeoldfield.org is a nice looking site.
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7 replies since May 30 2002, 13:05 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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