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Topic: The Tube World to be released in early 2004< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Olivier Offline

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Posted: Dec. 03 2003, 15:18

On www.mikeoldfield.com, Mike says that The Tube World is being tested and should be released in early 2004. Mike is looking for a new title for the game. You can use this forum to post your suggestions.

5/12/03 Some new pictures have been added.
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Posted: Dec. 03 2003, 15:47

How about

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maria Offline

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Posted: Dec. 03 2003, 15:57

finally some nice news from him :)
i'm so glad to see that his semi retirement doesn't affect the tube world. i was starting to be afraid that it could have been so...
the first name for it that came to my mind was 'fatt' ('far above the tubes' at last! :D)

...morning and evening i'm flying, i'm dreaming...
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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: Dec. 03 2003, 16:24

So that this discussion doesn't get overwhelmed with suggestions, we have a special topic where you can post them.
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Tati The Sentinel Offline

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Posted: Dec. 03 2003, 16:47

Nice idea!
Show more pics of the game so we can get the spirit of it and then think about a cool name.

And...what about new music?
It´s been almost 2 years without nothing new.

"But it's always the outsider, the black sheep, that becomes the blockbuster." - Mike Oldfield, 2014

"I remember feeling that I'd been judged unfairly and that I was going to prove them wrong." - Peter Davison, 2011
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TOBY Offline

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Posted: Dec. 04 2003, 09:30

If Mike's claiming this is even bigger in scope than the original MVR it'll be interesting to see what music is included. I still reckon most of what you will hear will be scourced from the two other bells albums.
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Posted: Dec. 04 2003, 14:26

Oh honestly, why complain so much?  

Isn't 20 albums and 2 video games enough?

It looks from here like you don't appreciate the effort and the achievement.
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Posted: Dec. 05 2003, 02:00

Mike can take all the time he needs to do the Tube World properly in my opinion.   The achievement of Music VR was so astounding that to expect another one so soon is unrealisitc.  Hey, I'm still waiting for Pink Floyd's next album - I'm patient!
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Ugo Offline

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Posted: Dec. 05 2003, 07:54

[Partly off-topic...]

AFAIK Pink Floyd have officially disbanded.

And about the Tube-World...  the only improvement it needs (IMHO) is the complete removal of the silly and mind-boggling planes scene. :)

Ugo C. - a devoted Amarokian
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Blue Dolphin Offline

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Posted: Dec. 05 2003, 20:03

Look at the new pictures: the 6th one, do those women statues remind you of something, no? ;)

Correct, from The Wind Chimes video!!

I also like the 4th picture! Gives a sort of atmosphere.

-The mark of a good musician is to play one note and mean it-

Mike Oldfield - 1980
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Fox Offline

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Posted: Dec. 07 2003, 10:43

I'm glad he took his time with this; don't want a rush job.  I hope it's new music, too.  No hints yet as to what music is in the game?

I hope that annoying banking effect that's in the demo is gone.  That's all I really ask ;-).
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christopher Offline

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Posted: Dec. 07 2003, 11:20

I'm very pleased that Mike has taken to the idea of interacting with his fan base like so many musicians are now doing do to the downloading of music and the extreme widepread of the internet music!!!

The new pictures look SOOOO good!!!!! :)  I do believe that this will be far better than the first game.  The first is usually, well, with any game, is an experiment and a challenge.  Whereas the second is more stable and self assured by the creator.  

I'm very very happy to see the removal of all the Tubular Bells... Mike IS listening!!! :)  YAY!!! :)  I do hope that he has replaced ALL the music on the new game with new music rather than using the TB2003 score!!!  And since he is trying to get away from the TB thing and rename the game.. I get the distinct impression that he has scrapped the idea of using the TB2003 album as the soundtrack for the new game.  

Mike is such a talented individual and I believe that he will find some new music inside of himself... richer, fuller, and more emotionally charged than what we've heard over the past few years!!!  

The only thing I would ask is that it doesn't have a flakie new age basis with old samples... but a new fresh Oldfield sound that we've not heard in a while or not at all!!!   And the nicest part would be that the fan base doesn't bitch because it sounds modern versus 1970's... ok? OK!  

TO MIKE:  I did have the pleasure of previewing some new keyboards for my recording career and what I realized in talking with the salesperson was that everything sounds TOO perfect and TOO mechanical... lacking the human touch.  Mike you have inspired me over the years to learn multiple instruments and in doing so I've become a FAR better musician and gained an appreciation of what it takes to play that instrument!!!  I'd like to hear some real instrument expression from you rather than a looped sample that is TOO perfect.  It is your imperfections, though small, that makes your music so enjoyable and unique in every way!!! :)  

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TOBY Offline

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Posted: Dec. 07 2003, 15:08

It's interesting that he says its much bigger than MVR1, I was always expecting the Tube World to be a much smaller sideline project than TresLunas. My prediction is still that most of the soundtrack will come off all 3 Bells albums, but obviously it would be cool if there's new music in there. It's also interesting that he's only released one demo so far, we had about 4 or 5 for TL. If the graphics are a step up from the original game I'd be interested know what spec of machine he's aming this at, it may be time for a new graphics card.
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The Warlock

Posted: Dec. 09 2003, 08:08

Seems Kool, lets wait to see want happens, how much it cost, how to pay, etc...
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The Warlock

Posted: Dec. 12 2003, 07:45

Wiil it be a disc version of it, or will it be only availible to download?
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The Warlock

Posted: Jan. 14 2004, 07:56

Any clues???
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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: Jan. 14 2004, 08:08

The way the website's going at the moment, I'll be surprised if it stays online long enough for The Tube World to be downloadable...reliability doesn't seem to be the watchword of the site's new hosts...
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olracUK Offline

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Posted: Jan. 15 2004, 17:10

I don't know why, but picture 4 (with lots of cogs) remin ds me of a game from my little girlds "Thomas the Tank Engine" game. But the cogs in the right order to solve a puzzle/make something open.
Looks like this one is going to be quite different from tres. Excitement building.

The answer is 42 - but what is the question?
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