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Topic: Platinum Collection< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Olivier Offline

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Posted: Jan. 11 2006, 18:05

The Official Mike Oldfield Information Service has posted some details about the 'Platinum Collection' 3-CD set to be released by Virgin on March 13, 2006. Order it online from Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.ca, Amazon.com, Amazon.fr. Tracklisting:

1. Tubular Bells - Opening Theme 1973
2. Tubular Bells - Excerpt 1973
3. Sailor's Hornpipe 1973
4. Hergest Ridge - Excerpt 1974
5. Ommadawn - Excerpt 1975
6. Ommadawn - Excerpt 1975
7. In Dulci Jubilo 1975
8. Don Alfonso 1975
9. Portsmouth 1976
10. William Tell Overture 1976
11. Cuckoo Song 1977
12. Incantations - Part 4 Excerpt 1978
13. Platinum - Part 4 1979
14. Woodhenge 1979

1. Moonlight Shadow (Extended Version) 1983
2. Blue Peter 1979
3. Guilty - Long Version 1979
4. Arrival 1980
5. Wonderful Land 1980
6. Sheba 1980
7. Five Miles Out 1982
8. Family Man 1982
9. Mistake 1982
10. Shadow On The Wall (Extended Version) 1983
11. Foreign Affair 1983
12. In High Places 1983
13. Crime Of Passion 1983
14. Tricks Of The Light 1984
15. To France (Extended Version) 1984
16. Etude 1984
17. Evacuation 1984

1. Sentinel 1992
2. Pictures In The Dark 1985
3. Shine (Extended Version) 1986
4. Islands (12" Mix) 1987
5. Flying Start (12" Version) 1987
6. The Time Has Come (12" Version) 1987
7. Innocent (12" Mix) 1989
8. Earth Moving (Club Version) 1989
9. Amarok (Excerpt) 1990
10. Heaven's Open (12" Version) 1991
11. Hibernaculum 1994
12. Women Of Ireland 1996
13. Far Above The Clouds 1998
14. The Millennium Bell 1999
15. To Be Free 2002
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olracUK Offline

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Posted: Jan. 11 2006, 18:20

CD's 1 & 2 hold few surprises, but the great news is all those 12" mixes on the 3rd CD. Finally get to hear them in decent quality and without crossing my fingers that my turntable still works.

The answer is 42 - but what is the question?
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Nacho Offline

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Posted: Jan. 11 2006, 18:38

I miss "Pipe Tune" and "Wrekorder Wrondo" this was an excellent opportunity to transfer to cd quality. "Don Alfonso" , good choice... and nothing from "Guitars"!! And instead "Woodhenge" "I got rhythm" (live version) also would have been a good choice.

And I also miss some excerpts from the great 80's A-sides long instrumentals!!

And "Foreign affair" should be replaced by "Saved by a bell", for example...
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captain cavern Offline

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Posted: Jan. 11 2006, 18:49

Great... but this is not a real CD box set with all the rarities...  :/
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Tubularman Offline

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Posted: Jan. 11 2006, 21:12

Looks like a good collection..
I think i will buy it because i dont have some of the extended songs in good quality. I miss to hear them in good sound. Like "To france"

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mindphaser Offline

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Posted: Jan. 12 2006, 03:14

To me this looks like another wasted chance... OK, they'll finally release "Pictures in the dark" (but why the 7" version??), "Shine" and a lot of the other 12" mixes on CD for the first time, but especially on CD1 there's so much missing... "Pipe Tune" and "Wreckorder Wrondo" as Nacho wrote, but I especially miss "Froggy went a-courting"! Such a great little song... And I don't think it's necessary to ask which version of "Hergest Ridge" they used....  :/

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Tubularman Offline

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Posted: Jan. 12 2006, 05:12

hmm strange.......
there is no music from Light and Shade,
why did they not take one song from the new album?

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Ian Too Offline

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Posted: Jan. 12 2006, 09:21

Actually, I feel quite good about this. As well as having some extended and rare material, this will be a good way of introducing people to Mike's work...

Of course this will substantially increase the world's level of frustration.  :D

(-: Ian :-)

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What Remains to be Discovered by John Maddox
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MikeAholic Offline

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Posted: Jan. 12 2006, 12:25

Is "Innocent" present on another CD ?

I know it is present on the Elements DVD, but can't remember seeing it on CD.

I sure hope that Mike realises what joy he brings to us !
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bee Offline

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Posted: Jan. 12 2006, 13:23

I am absolutely over the moon about this!!!!

It's just marvelous. Unexpected and very welcome in dreary January. I found out just now and it has made my day!! Honestly. The choice of pieces (though I'm sure there will be discussions on this ~ how can you choose what to leave out?) the timing of release and the name ~ all utterly inspired!!

I think it will be an excellent way to introduce the sheer range of Mike's talent to many, many more people. What a lovely place to be in your life looking over your creativity like this. He can be very proud. We can be very proud. And for us, 'the diehard fans', as mentioned on the other site, it will be a wonderful addition to the most interesting collection we'll ever make in our lives. By that I mean, listening to the music of Mike Oldfield.

And to think we had a new album only last summer. This is so good. I am so happy I am getting on my own nerves!!!!! :)

....second to the right and straight on till morning....

You heard me before
Yet you hear me again
Then I die
Till I call me again
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roys1 Offline

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Posted: Jan. 12 2006, 14:47

Innocent is available on the CD EARTH MOVING
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MikeAholic Offline

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Posted: Jan. 12 2006, 15:02

Quote (roys1 @ Jan. 12 2006, 20:47)
Innocent is available on the CD EARTH MOVING

Aha, that explains it. One of the few CD's I don't have.


I sure hope that Mike realises what joy he brings to us !
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TOBY Offline

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Posted: Jan. 12 2006, 15:43

Hmm, very mixed feelings about this. I don't really see what there is to get hugely excited about, there isn't much if anything we haven't heard before. On the one hand I don't begrudge artists and record companies for releasing 'best of' box sets, they want to sell records and obviously anything that pulls in new fans and introduces them to an artists work is a very good thing BUT (and that's a big BUT) lets face it these box sets are invariably relatively expensive and the majority of them are sold to die hard fans. The thing is most artists know that which is why they usually include some 'sweetener' material so they don't short change their fans. Some never before heard tracks thrown in there, an acoustic version of something, a live version, whatever. Its just so disappointing that yet again us die hard MO fans don't get this.

Its also a shame they have yet again utterly muffed up the choice of music and the way it is presented, I mean is To Be Free really the best piece of music from Tres Lunas? Is Hibernaculum really better than Let There Be Light of Only Time Will Tell? As far as a best of collection is concerned, like Elements before it, it seems compiled with scant regard for what actually are Mike's best works in favour of just the 'famous' stuff, I suppose you could argue the latter is more likely to draw in a buying public, but lets be fair not much of Mike's stuff this side of the 80's is approaching being either famous or even known, Sentinal maybe but thats about it.

And like Elements its utterly cocked up the running order, it just compiles how erratic Mike's career has been instead of celebrating its diversity. The Complete MO was a superbly put together collection because it neatly and creatively grouped together the different styles in Mike's back catalogue. This new collection and Elements before it put things in a vaguely chronological order which just doesn't work, Earth Moving into Amarok into Heavens Open, Ehhh! Sentinal into Pictures in the Dark?? I mean what the F**k  

I dare say Mike has umpteen squillion versions of all these tracks sitting in his cupboard, most of which I'm sure are marvellous (the TB2 out takes proved this) and most of which I'm sure will never see the light of day, the same goes for all the amazing live recordings he must have.

Its just a crying shame this collection couldn't have followed on from the fantastic Complete MO instead of the dreadful Elements.
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Alan D Offline

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Posted: Jan. 12 2006, 16:19

I just read all through your post, Toby, nodding all the way. This collection doesn't excite me very much either, when - as you say - there must be so many tremendous live recordings stashed away, never seeing the light of day. Personally, I'd swap all three CDs of this proposed set for even a single CD of 'selected highlights' from a live show. But I suppose any release of this sort is better than no release at all?
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Korgscrew Offline

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Posted: Jan. 12 2006, 17:59

I also have rather mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I think it's good that many items previously only available on vinyl are making their way to CD - so, all of those extended versions are definitely welcome in my book. The stuff which isn't so welcome is all the rest, and I have to ask who they think will want it. I would think a first time buyer is more likely to either buy Tubular Bells (not thinking that anything else of Mike's is even worth hearing - a bad attitude propagated by the media, but I don't think an expensive three CD set will change that opinion...it's hardly an impulse buy), or one of the single CD compilations which has all the main 'hits' on it - perhaps XXV or the single CD Elements. I can really only see more dedicated fans wanting a three CD set, and that's why I question the choice of some of the tracks.

Even if we assume that it still has to hold a certain mass market appeal, does it really need three tracks from Tubular Bells? How about just keeping the introduction (and possibly even replacing that with the Alan Parsons quad mix of the same thing, if it can be found), then replacing the second excerpt with Mike Oldfield's Single? The Sailor's Hornpipe, if it really has to stay, ought to at least be the Viv Stanshall version. Perhaps the 'for Maureen' version of In Dulci Jubilo?

I'd also agree that Pipe Tune and Wreckorder Wrondo ought to be there, and the 'Impressions' live version of I Got Rhythm.

I rather wonder how much the tracks from The Killing Fields increase the mass market attraction...and indeed even those from Hergest Ridge and Ommadawn. I'd agree that an excerpt from the original mix if Hergest Ridge would be the way to go if they have to include an excerpt from that album. I'd think that those from The Killing Fields could be replaced altogether. Considering they have Don Alfonso on the first disc (so they're obviously not averse to something a bit silly), how about Rite of Man on the second? Perhaps something like The Trap could replace Evacuation...

There's also the extended Crime of Passion which could be there in place of the usual version. A few live versions of the other tracks would seem an obvious way to handle those.

So really, while it's nice to see some of those tracks appearing, the fact that the others are on there may well put me off buying it. I'm afraid I'm more than a little reluctant to pay for yet another repackaging of the same old stuff. After the Elements and Exposed DVDs, I'd expected rather better than what feels like a half hearted effort from Virgin.
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qjamesfloyd Offline

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Posted: Jan. 13 2006, 02:09

Weather i choose to buy it or not i'm not yet sure, but i just would like to see some good Mike Oldfield promotion for a change, lots of magazine coverage and a good TV ad, which not only tells people about this album, but celebrates the talent/legend that is Mike Oldfield.
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Bill Bobaggins Offline

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Posted: Jan. 13 2006, 08:29

Quote (qjamesfloyd @ Jan. 13 2006, 02:09)
Weather i choose to buy it or not i'm not yet sure, but i just would like to see some good Mike Oldfield promotion for a change, lots of magazine coverage and a good TV ad, which not only tells people about this album, but celebrates the talent/legend that is Mike Oldfield.

If you are in England complaining about the lack of promotion, you can just imagine how pathetic it is here in the States.  I consider it a minor miracle that I have even heard of Mike Oldfield.

Speak friend and enter.
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hiawatha Offline

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Posted: Jan. 13 2006, 09:11

I mention that I have heard of him or have heard him a few times on US big media (other than the ubuqitous Exorcist theme), but come to think of it, I haven't seen or heard anything since about 10 or so years ago: the last mentions I recall being the CNN news story about his personals ad, and the bit on "60 Minutes" on CBS.

Nothing recent at all.

"In the land of the Dacotahs,
Where the Falls of Minnehaha
Flash and gleam among the oak-trees,
Laugh and leap into the valley."
- Song of Hiawatha
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hiawatha Offline

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Posted: Jan. 13 2006, 09:13

Quote (Korgscrew @ Jan. 12 2006, 17:59)
How about just keeping the introduction (and possibly even replacing that with the Alan Parsons quad mix of the same thing, if it can be found),

I've managed to miss any mention of this previously. What is this? What did Alan Parsons ever do that had anything to do with Oldfield? Do tell more, please, or link me to a good item or external story about it.

"In the land of the Dacotahs,
Where the Falls of Minnehaha
Flash and gleam among the oak-trees,
Laugh and leap into the valley."
- Song of Hiawatha
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Deadcalm Offline

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Posted: Jan. 13 2006, 13:00

Look at the 2 GENESIS BOX sets ARCHIVE   ...Now thats
the Sort of thing that gets you EXCITED !!! 4 CDS and 3CDS
full of Rare Demos Unreleased Live etc  .. Now thats whats
you call interesting !! So Virgin do know how to market
things if the material is out there!! A MIKE Archive Box
now thats INTERESTING  not Boring old rehashes  :D
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