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Topic: MusicRadar interview< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Olivier Offline

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Posted: Sep. 23 2017, 08:43

MusicRadar has published a 6-page interview of Mike reflecting on his musicianship and his career and emotions leading to Return to Ommadawn.
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qjamesfloyd Offline

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Posted: Sep. 23 2017, 11:51

Nice interview, Mike talking about guitars a lot. I wonder why they published it now, 8 months after RTO came out!!
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daznug Offline

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Posted: Sep. 28 2017, 05:57

It was first published when RTO was first released in the Guitarist magazine.  I don't think they make it available outside of the magazine for quite some time so as not to affect sales of the magazine.

A great interview - interesting that he had to practice the guitar for three weeks before he started recording as his finger ends had gone soft.  Can we deduce from that that he doesn't play the guitar for pleasure anymore?
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Erick Offline

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Posted: Oct. 31 2017, 09:00

Great interview as ever with Mike, I retain this quote :

“Out of suffering comes beauty. It seems that somebody who’s content with life isn’t able to produce enough emotional power. It has to be something that really makes your hair stand on end.".
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51 replies since Sep. 23 2017, 08:43 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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