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Topic: Music of the Cubes< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Olivier Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 02:50

April Fool's Special We're thrilled to announce that Universal has confirmed the release of Music of the Cubes on April 16 as an electronic download and a physical USB flash drive designed by Hans Claesson in the shape of a cube, sold for a limited time exclusively on Tubular.net!

Mike said that "Music of the Cubes is like the Spheres single to the power 3, it's how Music of the Spheres initially took shape, before Karl [Jenkins] smoothed down the rough edges". We'll randomly sell 100 copies of the USB drive containing an exclusive wallpaper signed and numbered by Hans Claesson, each slightly different.

Mike also said he might "do a rock version, something between Cubes and Spheres, before some fool who doesn't understand the deep deep meaning of the spheres ruins it" and would love to make "a round of concerts in a few famous squares in Europe".

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Ciderginaspro Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 03:24

euh !!!

isn't it a joke ?   we're the 1st of April and here we usually make some jokes....  


otherwise, it would be fun !!!
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Dirk Star Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 03:47

The sheer audacity of Mike`s singular genius never ceases to amaze me.Surely only someone like the great man himself could re-invent the wheel and make it square shaped.Great stuff.

I`d love to know if there`s any truth in the rumour that Universal are planning on releasing a square shaped cd of the album and packaging it inside a circular jewel case?I`m guessing that would be a very limited edition thing of course,but would be absolutely fantastic news if true.And people said you can`t put  square pegs in round holes.Obviously those kind of people did`nt reckon with Michael Gordon Oldfield did they?

Mike deserves a big round of aplause for this one no question.I`m off to Trafalgar Square this instant in fact to pick myself a prime spot.You wont catch this fool standing behind some concrete pillar.National bloody landmark or not it ain`t happening brother.
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Sweetpea Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 04:08

At last, we'll get to really see into the corners of Mike's musical genius. And some fans feared he was experiencing a creative block!

"I'm no physicist, but technically couldn't Mike both be with the horse and be flying through space at the same time? (On account of the earth's orbit around the Sun and all that). So it seems he never had to make the choice after all. I bet he's kicking himself now." - clotty
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arron11196 Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 04:12

LOL  :D  <clap clap clap>

hats off to you  :cool:

Arron J Eagling

Everyone's interpretation is different, and everyone has a right to that opinion. There is no "right" one, I am adding this post to communicate my thoughts to share them with like-minded souls who will be able to comment in good nature.

(insert the last 5 mins of Crises here)
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ProjectZ Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 04:12

:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

the VANGELIS forum : Invisible Connections ( http://www.vangelis.fr/ )
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Taynie Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 04:24

Quote (Olivier @ April 01 2008, 02:50)
Mike also said he might [i]"do a rock version, something between Cubes and Spheres".

I would like to see Mike doing a drum and bass version.

once these things get going it's jolly hard to stop them again
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Dirk Star Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 04:29

Hmmmm! Might have to do a whole re-think regarding that Trafalgar Square venture.Just had a text off a friend of mine telling me that he`s on his way now to Albert Square.Apparently Lang Lang and Hayley Westenra were spotted last night having a right old knees up round the joanna in the Queen Vic.Allegedly Karl Jenkins walked in,bought a round of drinks.And mumbled something about a  square dance(stroke) shindig taking place over at the Arthur Fowler memorial bench.No mention of Mike sadly.Although someone did spot a Blackbird motorcycle parked outside The Arches.
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Taynie Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 04:43

April Fool to you too Dirk Star !

once these things get going it's jolly hard to stop them again
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Posted: April 01 2008, 05:01

It has the biggest mistake a joke or attempt of humor could have...
It´s just not funny....     :p
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GodGift Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 05:14

Well... It's 10am and I can't find any gooood joke for 1'st of april yet:P Music of the Cubes... whatever :P

What a lovely day!
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Navaira Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 05:46

Oooh, I hope this one will also be released on a pack of 1,44MB diskettes. Just because they're square. Imagine -- the album out as a cube-shaped package of 30 diskettes!

http://www.raygrant.com :: My album 'Exorcism' is out on iTunes now
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Philippe Tavares Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 06:49

Quote (Olivier @ April 01 2008, 02:50)
Mike also said he might [i]"do a rock version, something between Cubes and Spheres

:D  :D  Something between Cubes and Spheres ? Isn't it a cone ? You know ? a cone to smoke !  :D  :D
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Josh Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 07:44

a possible alternative would be: Music of the Eggs -The Origin of Things. Happy Fools Day to all.

Am I rock? or what?! Oh..., wait a minute: Amarok!
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ommadawn,ah!ooh! Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 08:21

'a "few" famous squares in Europe'? How long have you got!

  (Insert names here...) :p ...and I don't mean locations!
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Tubularman Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 08:22

hahaha  :laugh:

Mike Oldfield M i x e s
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ommadawn,ah!ooh! Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 08:28

'course Mike might have been thinking of a" Fantastic Voyage"-type scenario.We know how "in"novative he is... :laugh:

easy on the"deep deep meaning" though.Ouch! :D
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clotty Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 10:33

Dirk Star
Don't waste your time going to Trafalgar or Albert Square, I've just heard that the London gig will now be at the OXO tower on the South Bank.

Although unconfirmed, it is rumoured that Mike will also play a special bonus track called "Ode to Pablo".

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Ray Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 11:12

And I'm selling all Mike's Guitars!

Martin, Gibons Lep Paul TV, Zemantis Bass, PRS Hollow Body

Looking out over the harbour in Peel.......
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Blue Dolphin Offline

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Posted: April 01 2008, 12:05

Jeeez!!!!!!! It get fooled again everytime it's 1st of April!!!  :p I believed this news at first......  :zzz:

In the words of Homer Simpson: D'OH!!!!!!!!! ;)

-The mark of a good musician is to play one note and mean it-

Mike Oldfield - 1980
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