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Topic: This was always funny to me< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
4ring Offline

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Posted: June 08 2003, 00:33

I remember the day that I bought Amarok as it was funny seeing some people's reactions.

I was in one of these mainstream music stores and the young lady behind the counter was fairly typical for the store.  You know the type:

18 or so
Piercings in unusual places
chewing gum
disinterested look
and thinking "what's this old fart want?"

I asked if she could put this cd on as I wanted to listen before I purchased.  She placed it on the main speakers.  I think she lasted about 30 seconds before she was hitting the next song button.  Being Amarok there is no second song, so it just kept playing.  By the time another minute was up she was looking pretty desperate as she could see potential sales running out the door.  It was at this stage that I said that she could take it off and I would buy it.

Never regretted it to this day buying this cd, but the look on her face still makes me smile all these years later.
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raven4x4x Offline

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Posted: June 17 2003, 07:39

He He He!

I'm sure Mike would be proud!  :cool:

Thank-you for helping us help you help us all.
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qjamesfloyd Offline

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Posted: Mar. 29 2014, 05:56

That's funny. I remember the day I bought Amarok too, it was in a Virgin music store(Which is not there anymore) I was really interested in the album cover, as it had Mike on the cover, in a similar photo to Ommadawn, and knowing that the album contained just one track was really exciting, as I'd never known anything like that before, on first listen that day I was astounded, and still am.
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MasterGeek.MX Offline

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Posted: Mar. 30 2014, 15:34

My friends always say me, "My new favorite band released a song too long, 10 minutes!"

Then I show them Amarok.

Hailings from a Mexican Mike Oldfield's fan.

Y chingue su madre el que no le guste Campanas Tubulares!
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qjamesfloyd Offline

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Posted: Mar. 31 2014, 04:37

Lol, I know what you mean, I doubt the iTunes generation can handle more than than a 4 minute song.
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4 replies since June 08 2003, 00:33 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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