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Topic: Double album to be released around September 2005< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Olivier Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 08:28

From mikeoldfield.com:

I am very pleased to announce that I have recently signed a three album deal with Mercury records, part of  Universal Music Group.

The first Album which I am just putting the final touches to is a double Album for release around September 2005. The first Disk is made up of atmospheric "Ambient" or "Chillout" pieces. The second Disk is of more up-tempo tracks some of which are in the darker moodier vein. There are 18 tracks in all and they were created using my new virtual software studio mostly with lead melodies using all the different Guitars and "Grand Piano" The vocals were made using a new generation of software virtual vocalists.

Untitled as yet but maybe called "Quicksilver"       Whadayathink

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hiawatha Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 08:42

Woohoo! Could it be as good as the last double-album: Incantations?

"In the land of the Dacotahs,
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Flash and gleam among the oak-trees,
Laugh and leap into the valley."
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torbenyj Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 09:06

September, is that next month - oh no - I can't wiat - plaese give us an excerpt
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Spinne Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 09:12

I thought that there was still one more album to be released under Warner label. It was supposed to have a contract of 3 records with them and they have only published two (Tr3s Lunas and Tubular Bells 2003). Have I miss something? :s
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familyjules Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 09:34

Quote (hiawatha @ May 13 2005, 08:42)
Woohoo! Could it be as good as the last double-album: Incantations?

Since we've been in the CD age for a while now, would any of Mike's single CDs have qualified as being doubles back in the vinyl days?


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Alan D Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 09:56

I really like the sound of this!!!

I can't quite believe that he really wants opinions about the title, though?
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Andyg Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 09:59

Quicksilver, another name for mercury, I like it. cant wait till Sept, ya been away too long Mike, Happy Brthday for Sunday :)
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hiawatha Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 10:06

I like the name, too. However, what is the "track record" for announced "preliminary" names actually making it to the final result?

Remember "Opus 1" becoming "Tubular Bells", "Celtic Cross" becoming "Voyager", "Ommadawn II" becoming "Amarok", etc.

"In the land of the Dacotahs,
Where the Falls of Minnehaha
Flash and gleam among the oak-trees,
Laugh and leap into the valley."
- Song of Hiawatha
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Olivier Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 10:42

On Friday the 13th :O, Mike announces virtual vocalists. Scary... ;)
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MusicallyInspired Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 11:01

Finally! I can't wait to hear this! I like it when Mike experiments with new stuff. Hopefully he does something interesting with software vocals. A double album. Been a long while since he's done that! I am happy!

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Woodlander Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 11:33

Great news!! A double album! I am looking forward to it very much no matter what style it is in. And on top of that we can expect two albums more from this contract. Wonderful news, Mike!
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Ostach Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 11:45

YEAH!!! At last! :D :D :D

but no! not the 'Quicksilver'!!! Everything but not this! :/

but, I'll buy it whatever the title will be :P

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Tati The Sentinel Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 12:02

What a relief!
And glad to hear good news from the man himself 2 days before getting 52.
I'm dying to hear the new stuff,double album...wow!

About the name he suggested,okay for me,but his description of what's on the new album should deserve an album name that sums what it is,like:



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Sir Mustapha Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 12:10

*gasp* *choke*

Wah. Man, this is either going to be the best thing ever or the worst thing ever. :) At least he has a good reason to have stood so long without giving any news. A double album? And he's putting "the final touches"? Well, I want to hear that.

"Quicksilver", well, that's also the title of one of the dullest tracks by Pink Floyd, but no prob Bob. I just hope he doesn't decide to title it "Qu1cks1lv3r" on the last minute.

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tubtattoo Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 12:19

Cool bananas...  :)
two albums in one to compare and contrast- it's just a few months might be more than I can take  ;)
Still, my wedding anniversary is in September... does anyone know if the 7th is 'Shiny Circular Silver'?

Oh well, worth a try!

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Sentinel101 Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 12:55

Wow, a double album, this sounds great. Hm, 18 tracks on 2 discs. When each CD runs about 45 minutes (estimated pessimistically) we have 5 minutes per track. As track lengths will vary I think we will get several longer instrumentals, perhaps a really long one which would be the first since Mont St. Michel.

It seems that Mike has put the virtual visuals aside and is more interested in the newest virtual audio gimmicks like software vocalists. Scary, funny, crazy, Mike !

@Mike: please give as a teaser !
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Afgyhi Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 13:07

Wow! This is really good news! I cant wait for september now! :p

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maria Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 13:18

quicksilver?? joke or what..   i'd rather call it 'silversnail'... :D

seriously, i'm very glad to hear some news about the new (and double! ) album. it sounds very very good to my ears... looking forward to it !!

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Alan D Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 13:24

Quote (Sir Mustapha @ May 13 2005, 17:10)
this is either going to be the best thing ever or the worst thing ever.

or something in between?  ;)
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Sir Mustapha Offline

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Posted: May 13 2005, 13:57

or something in between?

Not possible. It's love it or hate it, buddy. :D

Check out http://ferniecanto.com.br for all my music, including my latest albums: Don't Stay in the City, Making Amends and Builders of Worlds.
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