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Topic: Album order of preference, 2014 edition< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
Matt Offline

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Posted: Mar. 10 2014, 07:49

A few years back there was a topic for people to list their MO albums in order of preference (2009 topic here). Now we have a new album with Man on the Rocks I thought it might be worth having a new topic to see where folks placed it in their own lists. Took me a week before I was confident enough where it sat in my own list (and realised that I needed to shift QE2 compared to my previous list, everything else pretty much the same). So below is my 2014 Album order of preference. Look forward to seeing anybody elses lists!

1. Amarok
2. Tubular Bells (original mix)
3. Hergest Ridge (boxed mix)
4. Crises
5. Discovery
6. Tubular Bells 2003
7. Five Miles Out
8. The Songs of Distant Earth
9. Music of the Spheres
10. Tubular Bells II
11. Ommadawn
12. QE2
13. Incantations
14. Islands
15. Man on the Rocks
16. Earth Moving
17. Light + Shade
18. Platinum
19. Tubular Bells III
20. Voyager
21. Tres Lunas
22. The Killing Fields
23. Heaven's Open
24. Guitars
25. The Millenium Bell

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Chrissy Offline

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Posted: Mar. 10 2014, 11:53

Good list - though personally I would have to move Platinium much higher and move Ommadawn right to the top of the list.

I shall go away - give this some thought and will post my own list.

Very interested to see lists from other people too.
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Priabonia Offline

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Posted: Mar. 10 2014, 12:43

1. Ommadawn
2. Incantations

...no, wait a moment...

1. Incantations
2. Ommadawn

...er, hang on, no, I mean

1. Ommadawn
2. Incantations

Ermm, not sure, how about

1=. Ommadawn
1=. Incantations
2.   Hergest Ridge (original mix)
3.   Tubular Bells (1973)
4.   Platinum
5.   QE2
6....there are other albums??


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Nezzico Offline

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Posted: Mar. 10 2014, 12:50

Can't deliver you that kind of list. Just a take of the moment:

The works with the deepest relation to me:
Ommadawn, Tubular Bells (original & 2003), Music of the Spheres, Hergest Ridge

Very Good entertainment:
Fives Miles Out, Crisis, Songs of Distant Earth, QE2, Platinum, Man on the Rocks

Sometimes wonderful, sometimes hard to stand:
Amarok,  Incantations

Mostly good with a few disappointments in it:
Islands, Discovery, Tubular Bells III, Millenium Bell, Tubular Bells II,

Some nice things, but not enough :
Earth Moving, Guitars, Light & Shade, Tres Lunas, Heavens Open

I never got really warm with it:
Killing Fields, Voyager

The single i really hate  :p  :
Innocent - Maxi CD, which flew across my living room
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CJJC Offline

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Posted: Mar. 10 2014, 14:31

Once my MOTR arrives, I'll have a go at this. I already know that Platinum will have climbed much higher than it would be if I'd made such a list even a couple of years back. It's really crept up on me, that one. I'm currently speculating that Light & Shade will hit the bottom spot but I'll do a re-listen of everything and share the results.

Not because I expect people to care but because I've been meaning to and this seems as good a place as any to leave the results. :)

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Cavalier (Lost Version) Offline

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Posted: Mar. 10 2014, 15:32

I'll get back to this as well another time.  I will share one of the top 10s I attempted in response to another topic - there were several attempts with various orders and titles not included here -  as done via a word processing program.  Something went amiss... :)

1. Amarok
2. Ommadawn
1. Tubular Bells II
2. Exposed
1. Platinum
1. Tubular Bells
2. Tubular Bells III
3. Incantations
4. Hergest Ridge
5. Heaven’s Open

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EeToN Offline

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Posted: Mar. 10 2014, 19:27

It's something like this for me at the moment:

0. 10th Anniversary Concert of TB

1. Guitars
2. Tubular Bells II
3. Crises
4. Five Miles Out
5. The Songs of Distant Earth

6. Discovery
7. Tubular Bells III
8. Amarok
9. Ommadawn
10. QE2

11. Voyager
12. Platinum
13. Music of the Spheres
14. Tres Lunas
15. Heaven's Open
16. Hergest Ridge
17. Tubular Bells 2003
18. Islands

19. The Millennium Bell
20. Incantations
21. Earth Moving
22. Tubular Bells
23. Light + Shade
24. Man on the Rocks
25. The Killing Fields
26. The Orchestral Tubular Bells

If I were music, I would be Enigmatism.
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Clodomir Offline

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Posted: Mar. 11 2014, 08:53

1. Ommadawn
2. Five Miles out
3. Crises
4. Incantations (theses times, but usually I rank it lower)
5. Hergest Ridge
6. Amarok
7. Platinum
8. QE2
9. Discovery
10. Tubular Bells
11. Tubular Bells 2
12. Man On The Rocks (will not climb higher - may go lower)
14. Islands
15. Tubular Bells 3
16. Voyager
17. Music Of the Spheres
18. The Killing Fields
19. Light + Shade
20. The Millenium Bell
21. Guitars
22. Tubular Bells 2003
23. Earth Moving
24. Tres Lunas
25. Heaven's Open

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Olivier Offline

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Posted: Mar. 11 2014, 14:09

Tubular Bells II
Tubular Bells 2003
Tubular Bells (original mix)
The Songs of Distant Earth
Tubular Bells III
The Killing Fields
Hergest Ridge (boxed mix)
Five Miles Out
Man on the Rocks (I tend to rate new releases higher than their stabilized position though, it might end up just above his sibling Guitars)
Heaven's Open
Earth Moving
Music of the Spheres
Tres Lunas
Light + Shade
The Millenium Bell
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GusFogle Offline

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Posted: Mar. 13 2014, 00:37

Tubular Bells II
Five Miles Out
Hergest Ridge
Tubular Bells III
Tubular Bells
Songs of distant Earth
Heaven's open
Earth moving
Music of the spheres
The killing fields
Man on the rocks
Light + Shade
Tres Lunas
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Olivier Offline

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Posted: Mar. 13 2014, 13:52

Quote (GusFogle @ Mar. 12 2014, 21:37)
Tubular Bells II
Five Miles Out
Hergest Ridge
Tubular Bells III
Tubular Bells
Songs of distant Earth
Heaven's open
Earth moving
Music of the spheres
The killing fields
Man on the rocks
Light + Shade
Tres Lunas

I love that for whatever reason you didn't list The Millennium Bell!
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GusFogle Offline

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Posted: Mar. 13 2014, 14:28

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Olly Offline

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Posted: Mar. 14 2014, 05:20

Five Star Albums:

1.Ommadawn (The most perfect album in the world! )
3.Hergest Ridge(original mix)
4.Tubular Bells 2003
5.Five Miles Out

**** ½ stars:

8.Tubular Bells
10.Tubular Bells II
11.The Songs of Distant Earth

**** stars:

14.Man on the Rocks
15.Tubular Bells III

*** ½ stars:

18.Heaven's Open
19.Tres Lunas
20.Music of the Spheres

*** stars:
21.Earth Moving

** ½ stars:

23.The Killing Fields

** stars:

25.The Millennium Bell(would be a bit better with “Excalibur”)
26.The Orchestral Tubular Bells
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First_Excursion Offline

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Posted: Mar. 15 2014, 02:19

1. Five Miles Out
2. Incantations
3. Hergest Ridge (boxed mix)
4. Tubular Bells
5. Ommadawn
6. Discovery
7. Crises
8. Amarok
9. QE2
10. Platinum
11. Islands
12. Tubular Bells 2003
13. Tubular Bells III
14. The Songs of Distant Earth
15.The Killing Fields
16. Heaven's Open
17. Voyager
18. Tubular Bells II
19. Tres Lunas
20. Music of the Spheres
21. Guitars
22. The Millenium Bell
23. Earth Moving
24. Light + Shade
25. Man on the Rocks
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Chrissy Offline

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Posted: Mar. 20 2014, 16:21

Here is my order - The top 5 albums are just perfection  :)

1. Ommadawn
2. Hergest Ridge
3. Amarok
4. Tubular Bells
5. Incantations
6. Crises
7. Exposed
8. Platinum
9. Man On The Rocks
10. Five Miles Out
11. Tubular Bells 2
12. QE2
13. Music Of The Spheres
14. Tubular Bells 3
15. Guitars
16. Tubular Bells 2003
17. Light and Shade
18. The Orchestral Tubular Bells
19. Islands
20. Discovery
21. The Millennium Bell
22. Voyager
23. The Songs of Distant Earth
24. Earth Moving
25. Heavens Open
26. The Killing Fields
27. Tres Lunas
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stpaul Offline

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Posted: Mar. 21 2014, 08:27

I can't make a complete ranking as I separate in listening to complex instrumental and song based albums:

01 Incantations
01 Five Miles Out

02 Hergest Ridge (all versions)
02 Discovery

03 Ommadawn
03 Crises

04 Amarok
04 Platinum

05 Tubular Bells
05 Islands          
06 Music Of The Spheres
06 QE2

07 The Songs Of Distant Earth
07 Man On The Rocks

08 The Killing Fields

09 Heaven's Open
09 Tubular Bells II

10 Tubular Bells III

11 Voyager

12 Guitars

13 Earth Moving

14 The Millennium Bell

15 Tubular Bells 2003

16 Tres Lunas

17 Light & Shade
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Platinumpty Offline

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Posted: Mar. 21 2014, 09:59

I'm probably going to regret this but:

Premier League:

1. Incantations
2. Ommadawn
3. Tubular Bells
4. Hergest Ridge
5. Amarok

Division 1:

6. Crises
7. Tubular Bells III
8. Tubular Bells II
9. Five Miles Out
10. QE2

Division 2:

11. Platinum
12. Songs of Distant Earth
13. Man on the Rocks
14. Islands
15. Discovery

Division 3:

16: The Killing Fields
17. Music of the Spheres
18. Light and Shade
19. Earth Moving
20. Voyager

Division 4:

21. Heavens Open
22. Tres Lunas
23. Voyager
24. The Millennium Bell
25. Guitars


26. Tubular Bells 2003
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Priabonia Offline

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Posted: Mar. 21 2014, 12:09

Quote (Platinumpty @ Mar. 21 2014, 14:59)
Premier League:

1. Incantations
2. Ommadawn
3. Tubular Bells
4. Hergest Ridge
5. Amarok

I haven't done a scientific analysis but it looks like the old classics (and Amarok...which is not old in my book but I guess getting on that way! ) keep cropping up!

Does that reflect "reality" (i.e. they just *are* the best) or the demographic of this forum (i.e. mostly old farts  :zzz: )


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Platinumpty Offline

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Posted: Mar. 24 2014, 09:15

Quote (Priabonia @ Mar. 21 2014, 12:09)
Quote (Platinumpty @ Mar. 21 2014, 14:59)
Premier League:

1. Incantations
2. Ommadawn
3. Tubular Bells
4. Hergest Ridge
5. Amarok

I haven't done a scientific analysis but it looks like the old classics (and Amarok...which is not old in my book but I guess getting on that way! ) keep cropping up!

Does that reflect "reality" (i.e. they just *are* the best) or the demographic of this forum (i.e. mostly old farts  :zzz: )

Hey - I was born in 1970 so I refuse to be categorised as an "old fart" just yet.  ;)

I think they long instrumental works just are self-evident classics.  Inevitably, the creative works of a troubled, striving youth have a lot more vitality and urgency about them than those of a relatively contented middle-aged multi-millionaire.  It would be hard for it to be otherwise.

However, I differ from some of the more long-in-the-tooth members in that I think MO may well have another Amarok up his sleeve one day.  There's enough evidence on MOTR that there's still much vitality and energy there.  What I'd like to see is the old ornery "everyone does this, therefore I'll do THAT" tendency which we all revere him for.
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Tati The Sentinel Offline

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Posted: Mar. 24 2014, 09:18

Quote (Olivier @ Mar. 13 2014, 17:52)
I love that for whatever reason you didn't list The Millennium Bell!

The Millennium Bell is easy for me - it's the worst album MO has ever done.

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